Struggling To Know the Truth in a World Full Of Illusion

Michael Allen
8 min readAug 13, 2024
Michael Allen Struggling of Illusion
via Michael Allen

It might sound like a work of fiction when you hear someone try to tell you that the world is not that bad. But there is more than enough proof all around you that it isn’t as bad as it seems and then, there is also a zero factor that exposes a deeply embedded truth about society that shifts the paradigm.

Of course, it first needs to be acknowledged that there are bad things happening in this world. There are wars as well as human trafficking, senseless killings, starvation, and a plethora of other miserable things I could add to that list. So, does it look bad? It definitely does because those things can’t be denied and they can’t be ignored either.

But atrocities have always existed throughout history. There has always been good mixed in with the bad. The world has seen mass extinctions before we even showed up and what we’ve done to each other since has included genocides, coup de tats, forcing people into slavery, and a whole mess of ugly things that should have never been allowed on our resume.

The sun always came up and the world kept turning. People found their way out of oppression while others found themselves going into it. Money kept circulating around the world but it never actually went anywhere. It just changed hands while the rich siphoned dollar after dollar up their way and piled…



Michael Allen

After falling and hitting my head, I have the urge to make fun of the world one stupid thing at a time. For more shenanigans: