Why do we ask why?

Michael Ax
5 min readJul 29, 2023


Here are 11 good reasons why the question suggests itself.

© Michael Ax / Astro-Life. “Pondering Why?”, Can10

Unveiling the Philosophical Question “Why?”
By Exploring Perspectives and Internal States

In the pursuit of philosophical inquiries, one question reigns supreme: “why?” The philosophical query “why?” is a profound reflection that arises in diverse contexts, prompted by various logical perspectives and internal states.

Delving into the universe of relations, we uncover a myriad of scenarios where this enigmatic question takes center stage, seeking to unearth the essence of existence and the intricacies of human thought.

**Entailment Perspective:**
When presented with a situation where one event implies or necessitates another, the philosophical question “why?” emerges as a relentless pursuit to understand the causal link or the underlying reasons behind the connection. Observing the subtle threads that weave events together, seekers of truth strive to unravel the hidden implications that give rise to the interconnections in occurrences.

**Contradiction Perspective:**
In the face of conflicting statements or beliefs that cannot coexist simultaneously, the philosophical question “why?” stands as an unwavering sentinel. Eager to resolve apparent contradictions and unveil the veracity of divergent viewpoints, inquisitive minds embark on a quest for ultimate coherence and reconciliation.

**Neutral Perspective:**
Amidst moments of objective observation, the philosophical question “why?” emerges as an inner voyage through the realm of neutrality. While devoid of explicit logical relationships, these instances inspire the quest for patterns, relationships, and motivations underlying seemingly unrelated phenomena.

**Subsumption Perspective**
Recognizing that one concept or idea encompasses another, the philosophical question “why?” leads seekers to consider notions that might have remained foreign or strange to them. Exploring the profound principles or commonalities bound together by “why”, inquisitors delve into the grand tapestry of interwoven notions.

**Equivalence Perspective**
Realizing the similarity or identical meaning between two statements or concepts, the philosophical question “why?” invites inquisitive minds to delve into the nature of equivalence. In pursuit of the shared essence between seemingly disparate expressions, seekers of meaning explore the interconnectedness of ideas.

**Association Perspective**
Experiencing connections or associations between seemingly unrelated concepts, thoughts, or experiences, the philosophical question “why?” becomes a guiding compass. Introspective journeys navigate the hidden threads that harmoniously unite seemingly disparate elements in the intricate web of existence.

**Contingency Perspective**
Within the realms of cause and effect, the philosophical question “why?” emerges as events intertwine, their destinies interdependent. Seeking to unravel the underlying conditions that govern the contingency of events, seekers of understanding delve into the profound interplay of causality.

**Explanation Perspective**
Confronted with events or outcomes that require justification or reason, the philosophical question “why?” manifests as an insatiable quest for explanations. In the pursuit of comprehending the motives or causes behind life’s enigmatic twists, curious minds navigate the labyrinth of reasons.

**Restatement Perspective**
Encountering similar statements that express the same meaning, the philosophical question “why?” ignites introspection. Seeking the significance of restating ideas or concepts in different forms, the inquisitive endeavor to unearth the nuances within the fabric of expression.

**Contrast Perspective**
In the clash of ideas or opposing viewpoints, the philosophical question “why?” stands as a sentinel of understanding. Curiosity beckons explorations into the differences and reasons behind divergent perspectives, seeking the hidden gems amidst the realm of opposing thought.

**Cause-and-Effect Perspective**
Observing the intricate web of cause and effect, the philosophical question “why?” embarks on an exploration of interconnectedness. Unraveling the fundamental principles and reasons behind the symphony of events, seekers seek to fathom the symphony of causality.

In the ever-unfolding journey of human thought, the philosophical question “why?” remains an eternal guide, beckoning curious minds to uncover the profound intricacies of existence. Through varied perspectives and internal states, the quest for understanding, truth, and meaning continues to shape the philosophical landscape.

Hidden within our relentless pursuit of the philosophical question “why” lies a profound quest that revolves around both the self and others.

As we seek truth and understanding, we are driven by an inherent desire to come to terms with the puzzling stability of our own identity, the “Self.” At the same time, we embark on a journey of intellectual exploration to discover our place in the world, to understand our existence in the greater context of reality.

In the pursuit of truth and understanding, we aim to unravel the intricacies that define our individuality and the constancy of the “Self.” We question why we think, feel, and behave in certain ways, seeking to comprehend the underlying motivations and connections that shape our being. Through this process, we strive to reconcile the seeming paradox of our unchanging self-nature amidst the ever-changing landscape of experiences and external influences.

Simultaneously, our quest for intellectual exploration takes us beyond the boundaries of the self and into the vast terrain of the external world. We seek to understand the interconnectedness of ideas, concepts, and the tapestry of existence. By delving into diverse perspectives, contrasting viewpoints, and the underlying principles that govern reality, we endeavor to discover our place in this intricate web.

Ultimately, the convergence of seeking truth and intellectual exploration is driven by the quest for self-acceptance and the validity of our subjective truths. As we uncover deeper layers of understanding, we gain insight into our own subjective experiences, beliefs, and perspectives. Through intellectual exploration, we come to appreciate the richness of diverse viewpoints and recognize that truth is not an absolute, but rather a multifaceted gem, shining from different angles.

In this intricate journey, we find ourselves embracing the complexity of the human experience, acknowledging that our individual truths are shaped by our unique encounters with the world. As we seek to answer the “why,” we discover that our subjective truths are both valid and meaningful, contributing to the kaleidoscope of perspectives that enrich our shared reality.

The pursuit of truth and understanding, coupled with intellectual exploration, is an ongoing process of World-discovery and Self-acceptance.

It is a quest to unravel the mysteries of our “Self” while embracing the dynamic interplay between individuality and interconnectedness in and through the world.

Through this profound journey, we find solace in the validity of our own subjective truths, the objective anchors discovered — recognizing that each new perspective adds depth and color to how we can view the grand tapestry of human existence.

Of course I had a 🧚 ChatGPT 🧚 write up these thoughts for me. Why? Because questions are the tools by which we we build understanding. I wonder why that is :-)



Michael Ax

Lifelong astrologer++ trained by a long programming career. Fixes bad thinking and reads a lot of charts in german: telegram/AstroLifeDE