Owunwa Chiwuike
4 min readJan 22, 2022


Web Development Guide For ABSOLUTE Beginners.

The objective of anyone starting Web design and development is to monetize that skill, by learning how to create professional-looking, responsive websites. But before we can get started, we would need to answer two important questions.

One.. Who is a web developer?

Web developers are people that create and maintain websites. that was the answer Google gave me when I asked for the simplest definition of a web developer.

Two… why enter the web dev pool?

Simply put, everybody has a device to access the world wide web and technology is where everything is going. Web development, as at 2020 was one of the most attractive fields in the tech industry. ... Moreover, being a developer is one of the coolest and most beneficial jobs worldwide.

Basic gist about websites

Before we dive into learning, one important thing to bear in mind is; any website that has been built in the past decade, no matter how complex can be generally divided into three parts:

-Front-end (UI/UIX)

-script logic/behavior


The colors and shapes you see on a website, things jumping around is the front-end or UI (user interface).

However, the front-end is just a pretty picture, the scripts then come into play, for there to be any response when you click on a button or submit a form sending information to the database.

Then finally, the back-end, which is where the APIs and database seat, processing and storing the information they are getting.

Even the simplest single page site would want you to swipe left, press this button, fill this form… that wouldn’t be possible without an interface, a script and a place that stores its data, which your data is about to enter into.

Now your website is actually a collection of files you design/develop that are stored or hosted in a computer called the server, which is connected to the internet via satellites which you accessed with your client application or browsers like chrome and opera mini. so if you want to watch the cat videos someone else stored as a file on their hosting server, the above picture is what would be happening .... communication between your device and a server.

How can you to become a Web Developer?

5 simple steps

• Learn web development fundamentals.

• Invest in yourself and build needed skills.

• Choose a development specialization/niche.

• Work on projects to develop your skills.

• Build a portfolio either on LinkedIn or GitHub.

Like all new skills, learning web development is a journey that should be taken with a mentor. Regardless of all your talent, one cannot ever underestimate the power of a beautiful guide. So as a gift to you, my dear reader, here is a collection of road signs gathered along the way to help tip the scales in your favor.

• Beware that you do not fall into the trap of tutorial hell. Get a project or two; design something for a family member even if it is free.

• Ignore social pressures and learn at your own pace. It wouldn’t click the same way for everybody, so focus instead on getting some value out of each course.

• Explore web design outside the course you are taking. Ideas and innovations usually come from the most unlikely places.

• Finally Start simple, use a simple code editor, start with a simple project. No baby ever learned to walk by taking a leap off a high building and land running.

In conclusion,

The most important part of everything is to learn and practice, practice … practice.

The beauty of the web design industry is that 75% of web "professionals" are self-taught. There are thousands of online resources for learning web design so you don’t need a degree or expensive tools or software. Just an average computer or laptop, with an internet connection.

For anybody interested in learning to build websites without spending years learning programming languages, you can check out the link https://tinyurl.com/wedsitedesigner

For those that want to start learning the basic three programming languages needed to build a basic website (HTML, CSS, JS) visit https://www.w3schools.com



Owunwa Chiwuike

freelance Tech writer.... specialist in App development with 6 years experience in laravel and cloud app development.