Gun Violence: “A National Discussion”

Michael Gibson
4 min readJul 3, 2019


As a staunch NRA Member, Former Special Forces “Green Beret”, a True Patriot and a Father, I feel compelled to weigh in on our National & Tragic Discussion: Gun Violence and its never-ending saga in America. As I recently wrote, “Our system of government that allows teenagers and criminals, mentally deranged and illegals to LEGALLY purchase and stockpile weapons and killing our defenseless children, neighbors and law enforcement members, etc., is in great need of an overhaul and intensive national oversight”. Remember, this is not a debate about gun ownership, rather a national discussion about the enforcement, revision and the future inclusion of the laws making weapons accessible to otherwise “Unfit Individuals”.

I carry conceal weapons all the time; from work to my personal endeavors. I’ve owned a weapon since I entered the military at 17. I am extremely experienced and adept in their use, safety and their consequences. Sadly to say, many are not. Not many of us in the world can state that not only have I used my weapon on an almost continuous basis for years at a time, but many have also attempted to use their weapons on me. Over the past 30 or 40 years, many of the military and law enforcement/government members & veterans could very well state they have experienced the same. However, we only represent a very small percentage of the population. There are probably someone dying today at 90 years old who couldn’t even imagine the death and violence I have witnessed and been a part of in their entire lifetime.

The truth is, I actually love and respect weapons and am fascinated by the entire spectrum of their design, use, deployment and effects they produce. Nevertheless, guns in the hands of the wrong people within a society of massive “Gun Owners”, is tragic and has national and devastating consequences. Day after day we tune in and we see the same images of the mentally deranged or the teenager arming themselves as a if they were a commando, while unleashing their massive armaments on the unwitting and defenseless population. I could give a rat’s ass about the political and social defense of allowing mentally sick people to have guns.

From before and after Sandy Hook to Marjory Stoneman Douglas, it’s pathetic that we are even having this national debate.

This national discussion is not about the 2nd Amendment, “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” However, we must have rigorous oversight and enforcement of our existing laws and enactment of future laws to further regulate and discern who are the responsible and mature gun owners and who are not. Take a look at this recent YouTube video depicting a 13 year old purchasing a weapon: . This is only one of many of these type purchases occurring everyday in our country.

I agree with Charlton Heston, “I’ll give you my gun when you pry (or take) it from my cold, dead hands”. But that’s me as well as the vast majority of Americans; practical, stable experienced and safe gun owners. This narrative does not infringe on your rights as gun owners. Conversely, it tramples the rhetoric that anyone over 18 of any mental state should be able to buy a weapon.

Many of you have heard people saying, “How can a 18 year old LEGALLY purchase a weapon?” They can’t even buy beer but they can buy a gun. Many of the arms they buy are the likes of what we used back on the Special Forces teams. Make no mistake, every weapon we used was for one thing only; killing.

I am appalled when some defend everyone’s right to gun ownership. Sure, everyone should have the right to purchase however and most importantly, they should also pass a litmus test to that same coveted ownership. It pains me to even have to write this kind of article. But it’s necessary and save lives. And to make a point, how can I tell my children or yours to use all of the methods depicted in my article? Impossible!

Our current system of checks and balances in America and their dangerous consequences are existential threats to all of us. Especially to our children’s safety.

By the way, since when do politicians force their agendas on the people? The people have to force our agendas on the politicians we elect to office. Marco Rubio, the Senator from the great state of Florida, repeated many times that it was his own agenda that he supported related to the NRA and weapons in America since he came to office even in the face of a 97% national poll that demanded to the contrary. “We The People” have to find our identity again! They work for us. Not the other way around! I want us to keep our guns and I will always champion our Constitutional Rights to gun ownership. However, I am against stupidity, greed, political madness and “Unfit Gun Owners” who easily procures weapons and kill innocent people!

Michael Gibson



Michael Gibson

Former US Special Forces “Green Beret”, Entrepreneur, World Traveller, Mentor, Father & Writer