Choosing Media For Wet Blasting

Michael black
2 min readFeb 6, 2022


Wet blasting is a popular method for cleaning metal parts and surfaces. This process is best for products that cannot be cleaned with air alone. In these cases, wet blasting can provide the best solution. Unlike conventional sandblasting, wet blasting does not damage the surface or cause rust. Moreover, wet blasting doesn’t cause much dust, so it is a cost-effective option for industrial applications.

Wet blasting uses carbon steel media. This media is available in two forms: shot and grit. Steel shot is round and is used for polishing purposes, while grit is angular and sharp and is used to remove paint and scale. The use of these materials has led many companies to abandon the use of sand as blasting medium due to its high moisture content and silica content. As such, the particles in wet blasting are much smaller than in dry blasting.

Crushed glass is one of the most common abrasives used for wet blasting. It is available in many sizes ranging from very fine to larger C and B grades, and more can be ordered on request. The wetblast system gives parts a higher quality finish than a dry sandblaster, thanks to the water cushion. Because of its aggressive nature, crushed glass is the ideal media for removing coatings and profiling the surface of a part. Learn more here about what abrasive is used for vapor honing.

Choosing the best abrasive for wet blasting is an important process. Making the wrong choice could result in damage to the substrate and waste time. There are several types of abrasives available for wet blasting. Listed below are some of the most commonly used. If you haven’t already gotten your hands on these abrasives, check out the information on these products and get started today!

The type of media for wet blasting can be a critical component of a job. The right abrasive is essential in ensuring a quality finish. If the product isn’t ready for wet blasting, the media used may need to be changed. However, it is worth the effort to replace broken media after you complete the job. Most companies can afford to replace the abrasive media used if it is needed, so the abrasive is inexpensive enough.

Choosing the right media for wet blasting is critical. The abrasive used in wet blasting will vary depending on the product. The grit size that works best on hard surfaces, like metal, will require aluminum oxide. The latter will leave a finer, more uniform finish. If the product needs to be finished, crushed glass will improve the finish. This process is highly effective for many other applications. See weekend warrior vapor honing technologies.

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