Michael Brandt
3 min readJun 10, 2018

My Peloton Review: Why I Workout Now More Now Than Ever

I purchased a Peloton Bike in November 2017, and have since enjoyed my experience with the bike (hardware) and service (classes & software). I’ve gotten a lot of questions from friends, so I thought I’d share my experience with a Peloton Bike review.

First off, I consider myself pretty “active,” but haven’t found a way to consistently workout in the way that I’ve wanted to since high school. Throughout college, and shortly after, I had a couple of gym memberships that I went in and out of. Since that time in the summer I’m active outdoors, but in the winter (if I’m honest with myself) it’s been a challenge to stay active.

After a year of being interested in the Peloton, visiting the website every couple of weeks and telling myself that I’d never pay for a monthly at-home bike service I knew it was time to visit my local Peloton store at Bellevue Square. And as a disclaimer, I haven’t historically been a big spinner or cycler.

The rest is history. I absolutely LOVE my Peloton! Originally, my wife wasn’t planning to use it (she had a different workout routine) and she’s been hooked, too. A couple of key things I like about my bike that you might not realize at the store or online:

1) It’s SUPER quiet because it uses magnets versus a belt that other traditional stationary bikes have used in the past.

2) The instructors are awesome and addictive. I’ve really gotten into following the classes that specific instructors teach (Emma Lovewell & Alex Toussaint)

3) There’s a big community of people that have a Peloton. I already have over 15 people I know and follow on the platform (the platform uses Facebook connect if you choose to connect with your friends). This creates a sense of accountability and community that results in a commitment to the platform and my workouts.

4) There are new software updates delivered every few weeks, so the platform is continuing to improve regularly.

I do have a few gripes with my bike that I’d like to see the company improve on as well. The bike cleats are not simple for a beginner rider to learn how to clip in and out of the bike. I encourage Peloton to come up with an easier system for their bikes to clip in and out of that’s simpler and quieter. I’m not alone as I have other friends that have provided this same frustration. The bike also has some squeaking that I’ve tried troubleshooting with Peloton support. It’s better, but not perfect. Since my wife started using the bike, moving the height and seat position have become a regular part of using Peloton. This process could be easier. It’s not smooth and requires a great deal of strength, which often results in over or undershooting the desired settings.

I look forward to continuing to using my bike and being a part of the Peloton family. The flexibility of the platform and the Peloton community have allowed me the opportunity to workout more regularly than I ever have in my adult life. If you’re like me and have had a hard time finding a path to consistent workouts, I encourage you to check out Peloton.

Michael Brandt

Marketer. Traveler. Entrepreneur. Sports Fan. Real Estate Enthusiast.