Make a live chat app in under 2 hours with Meteor

Michael C. Brook
2 min readApr 7, 2018


I very quickly made this app to showcase the power of Meteor and its capabilities.

Code here:

Live Demo:

This app was largely made in just two hours, styling aside, and shows the power of Meteor and its real-time capabilities. This sample app covers a few key principles:

  • How to use Blaze Templates
  • How to publish/subscribe to data from the server
  • How to call methods on the server
  • How to insert data into MongoDB
  • How to deal with data reactively
  • How to use Meteor helpers
  • How to use Meteor events
  • How to import Meteor and NPM third-party packages
  • Basic backend validation using Meteor check
  • Restricting data access with Meteor.publish

Extra: In this app, we also deal with

  • Dates using the moment.js NPM package
  • Cookies using the Meteor mrt:cookies package

What this app does not cover:

  • Saving local state (aside from cookies)
  • Login or auth flows

If you’re interested in learning Meteor and live in central Iowa, I am offering free courses to those eager to learn. Register here:

I will also be delivering a talk on Meteor, in which I’ll be covering the making of this app on 04/09/18 at 6:30pm at the Forge in downtown Des Moines, put on by Des Moines Web Geeks. If you’re not reading this too late, you can register for the event here.

If you would like to reach me directly, you can message me here.

