John Wick, Puppy Activist

Michael Chen
1 min readJul 30, 2019


Just as a fair warning, spoilers ahead for anyone who has not yet watched John Wick 3. These words “Yeah, I’m Pissed” are the final words spoken by John Wick (Keanu Reeves). John Wick actually does not say much in the film, but rather his antagonists do most of the talking. This is why when he spoke those final few words, it was surprising to see that he actually voiced his emotions. Most of Wick’s actions are known from his actions, which has garnered him many nicknames. “The Boogeyman” and “Death’s Emissary” are both fitting nicknames known to him and others within his circle. One might guess that these nicknames have come from the countless numbers of assassinations and killings he has performed throughout his life. That assumption is correct…


