My First Week At Lambda School 🎒

Michael Chrupcala
7 min readJul 22, 2019


After graduating from college and beginning my working career, I spent a few years without a sense of direction or long-term goal for myself. Like so many of us, that soothing advice of “follow your passion” had led me down an expensive path.

On the one hand, I’m lucky to have found personal fulfillment and life-long friendships that I’ll treasure forever. But if I’m being honest, a 4-year degree and mountains of student loans were way too high of a price for the experience I needed for most entry-level jobs. A job which, in the field I chose, would unlikely pay me enough to make a dent in my student loans.

I knew it was time to make a change. And after some research, I knew that software development was right for me. But I didn’t know how to get there.

Enter, Lambda School.

Between the rigorous lesson plan (a full month of Computer Science!), the fact that I won’t pay anything until after I’m hired and earning at least $50K, and the thriving community of people in a similar mindset, this school was clearly the way to go. So I applied. I tore through the pre-course work, I beat the Lambda challenge, and was accepted(!!) for a July 2019 start date.


Lesson Plan: Semantic HTML, CSS selectors, CSS classes/IDs.

Three long months had gone by, and it was finally the big day. I woke up to a buzzing Slack channel full of excitement, nervous jitters, and GIFs (all coffee-related). The Lambda team instructed each of us to log into our Training Kit and watch the Day 1 videos that we found there. I found three videos; each a pre-recorded lecture covering the topics listed in the lesson plan noted above.

After an hour’s worth of self-study we started a 2-hour lecture with our (fantastic!) instructor Brittany Hemming. Brit explained the difference between semantic tags (<img> and <body>) vs. presentational tags (<b> or <span>). Then we learned the basics of styling a website by manipulating font colors and text sizes. Brit introduced us to classes and IDs, and we used those to slice & dice sections of our webpage, styling each of those differently.


Lesson Plan: CSS content “Box Model”, Display property (Block vs. In-line), CSS rule resets, and both forking/cloning a repository using GitHub & Git.

I would sound completely ridiculous comparing a coding bootcamp to actual military bootcamp
but if Lambda has a Hell Day, then this was it. Compared to Monday and to the rest of the week, the rush of new concepts we were shown felt like crawling through rainwater & mud.

“Drop and write me fifty “Hello World’s””

Why was Tuesday so rough? Because my teachers weren’t holding back. We were shown code editors, Git, and the command-line interface for the first time, PLUS the day’s new code concepts. We needed everything to complete the day’s challenge, and while I personally find it exhilarating when I’m just barely keeping up, that feeling can be a major source of anxiety for students.

That being said, one of the best features of Lambda by far is their community. Anybody who felt overwhelmed was encouraged to ask for help, and I saw constant support and encouragement from the more-experienced students.

Brit started us off with the CSS Box Model which (for those readers who aren’t familiar) is the usual method for organizing any item that you’ll see on a web page. For example, the Medium logo on this page isn’t squeezed into the top-left corner because of 1) an invisible border around the logo and 2) lots of empty space - both outside of the border (margin) and between the border and the logo (padding).

“Content” would be any image file, text, or video.

For Tuesday’s project, we downloaded HTML & CSS files from GitHub for a fake digital design agency. We applied our new-found knowledge of layout & design to finish those web pages, and just like that, we’d built our first website!

Lambda tries to re-create what it’s like to work in a professional environment, so rather than creating our own designs, we replicated a mockup design. As somebody who’s spent time around a marketing department I had a lot of fun connecting the dots between my code and the UI/UX team’s concept.


Lesson Plan: Flexbox, flex containers & items.

**audible sigh of relief from all Lambda students**

One thing I had left out from Tuesday - we were purposely designing sites the hard way. As soon as we learned about Flexbox(!!) and scrapped all of the design work we had done the day prior, things were suddenly a lot more fun!

Imagine a list of videos on YouTube. If you’re designing this page then you don’t want all the video images stacked on top of each other, so you need to tell your site how much space should fall in between each of them. Now, what you could say is “Give me 40 pixels of empty space above video 1, 40 pixels below video 1, 60 pixels to the right of video 1, and then for video 2 give me 40 pixels above, 20 below
” like in example 1 below. OR when you use Flexbox you could just say “Give me an even amount of empty space above & below ALL of my videos, no matter how many videos I have” (a la Example 2).

And then go for a long walk- you just saved yourself a massive headache.

For Wednesday’s project, we re-designed our webpage from Tuesday using Flexbox (“Display: flex;” instead of “Display: block;”). After that was finished, we built a new webpage for the Services page of our digital agency, listing out 6 of the products they offer. I’m not exaggerating when I say that compared to Tuesday, it took me half the time.

Go ahead. Display that flex.


Lesson Plan: Versioning & control flows with Git, branching a repository, pull requests, command-line Git commands.

My computer speaks to me. Up until Thursday it hadn’t said a word, or at least, nothing I could understand. But that all changed after our crash-course to the Command Line Interface. From now on, the CLI is what I’ll use to create & navigate hidden files, search CPU memory, and read my laptop’s feedback on what it found for me.

In all honesty, I thought Thursday was the easiest day of the week. We’d been submitting our projects through GitHub by way of the command line since Tuesday, so I was already familiar with some of the steps. But the repetition helped me remember this new material and then we got to explore some more complicated ideas.

Which brings me to our stretch goals- every day at Lambda involves a project based on the lecture’s material. Students pass if they accomplish the MVP (minimum viable product), but there are always a few (optional) extra steps which get you higher marks. Thursday’s MVP project was to 1) clone & fork an example GitHub repository, then once the files were downloaded locally to our computer’s Git implementation, 2) create our own branch instead of using the “master” version and 3) submit this new branch as a pull request.

I finished this early and moved on to our stretch goals, which involved researching the difference between “merge” & “rebase” commands, along with merge conflicts and how to resolve those. Do I know how to resolve a merge conflict? Not one clue! But the way I see it, even trying the stretch goals every day is like a few extra reps at the gym
the extra work isn’t helpful in one day, but over months I’ll see new muscles and definition that wouldn’t be there without it.


Lesson Plan: Sprint Challenge đŸ˜±

The moment of truth! Lambda structures every week so that we cover new material on Monday through Thursday. Then on Friday, we’re tested by a pass/fail 3-hour long “sprint” (a la Agile in the real world) based on what we’ve learned.

Since Week 1 was all about designing the user interface, our test involved two web pages we had to build halfway from scratch. Students were given two mock designs, the website copy, and image files — all of which we needed to download into our local Git directory. Then we added HTML tags to organize the content, CSS properties to throw in some splashes of color, and answered some questions about the concepts (like “Why is the CSS Box Model useful?”).

Whatever nervousness I felt walking into the sprint challenge completely disappeared when I read the prompt and saw we had covered everything I needed to know. It took me about 2 hours before I was finished, and then I started on the stretch goals (building a Contact page with text fields).

Will that confidence slip over time? Definitely yes
I had an edge since this week’s lessons overlapped with content that we learned in our pre-course material. Will I feel just as confident in 6 months, when I’m tested on assigning low-level memory using C?

Jokes aside, what I’ve noticed in my first week above all else is that the Lambda staff really are invested in me. I mean that both literally and figuratively- the school won’t earn any money from me until after I’ve graduated and started work, earning a minimum of $50,000.

Beyond the money, every interaction I’ve had with somebody from the school- the teachers, students, and support staff- all came from a really positive place. Spending 4+ hours a day coding can make you feel really isolated, and the constant encouragement goes a very long way.

Would I recommend this to everyone? No, it’s not for somebody who needs direction from their teacher before they can get to work. But if you’re hungry to learn one of the most in-demand skillsets in the world, maybe you should look at Lambda School.



Michael Chrupcala

I write about code, job-hunting, and cryptocurrencies. Sometimes I go outside.