Building a personal assistant for Notion with OpenAI’s GPT-4 and LangChain

Michael Claus
2 min readJun 27, 2023


Image generated by OpenAI’s Dall-E: “A watercolor painting of a helpful and cute robot personal assistant, colorful”

I‘m a huge fan of Notion, and I use it for everything from my personal to-do lists and journal, to managing my professional projects. I thought it would be fun to create a tool that would help me streamline my Notion workflow by creating a “catch all” brain-dump layer for Notion. I figured this would be a great opportunity to use OpenAI’s LLMs and thus, this project was born!

Watch the demo here.

View the GitHub repo here.

My goal for building this project was to gain experience building with LLMs. The app employs LangChain to create a prompt and make an API call to OpenAI’s LLM. LangChain makes developing with OpenAI’s LLMs very easy. I especially enjoyed working with some of the library’s prompting tools, although I found writing the actual prompt itself to be tricky and require lots of tweaking.

One challenge I faced was getting the model to provide a predictable output that I could consistently work with programmatically. I would have a prompt dialed in that was getting a predictable output, then the next day suddenly the LLM would return something new! Rather than trying to get the model to return JSON (it struggled with this), I decided to have it split up the data with pipes | and then split the string to create an array. You can see my solution around this line of code. I also had to check and sanitize the output of the LLM with JavaScript.

This app is a simple React + ExpressJS app and is deployed to AWS EC2, CloudFront, s3, Route53 and API Gateway.

I learned a lot while building this project and I have lots of ideas of how I can extend it. If you have any ideas or suggestions, please feel free to reach out to me on LinkedIn.

I hope you enjoy using this tool as much as I enjoyed building it!



Michael Claus

Hello! I’m Michael, a software developer and sound designer from San Francisco, CA.