2.5 Million People Are More Free Today

Dark Circle Datum
7 min readSep 7, 2018

I often hear people complain that the media is too negative. “Why won’t they cover more positive stories?” they ask. Maybe a better question is, when there areoverwhelmingly positive news stories, why are they buried? Maybe we should look at ourselves and what we respond to. Many news companies are for profit now, and for better or worse, will only cover what we consume.

Starting today, at least 2.5 million homosexuals in India have more freedom. They will no longer be harshly punished by their government for who they love. According to the BBC:

In a historic decision, India’s Supreme Court has ruled that gay sex is no longer a criminal offence. The ruling overturns a 2013 judgement that upheld a colonial-era law, known as section 377, under which gay sex is categorised as an “unnatural offence”. The court has now ruled discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation is a fundamental violation of rights. Campaigners outside the court cheered and some broke down in tears as the ruling was handed down.

Image: CBS News

There is still opposition to the move in conservative rural areas and among religious communities, but it appears the court decision on the manner is final. The court decision was made on the grounds that government intervention is an unconstitutional invasion of privacy. Which is essentially a win for freedom and a win for…

