Michael Cohen
1 min readMar 1, 2017


Five thoughts on the new platform:

  1. @Medium looks committed to this. You don’t put something in the top-left corner of your app if you want to hide a feature. Great to see the company coming out of its retrenchment with something new.
  2. It’s fun to use. You’ve really made this an interesting new way to tell stories. Nice job, dev team!
  3. Series needs a how-to video. Some Medium features I like to use for long-form posts don’t work on Series. Examples: what size photos are best for the format? Why can’t I make a photo linkable? Why can’t I pinch/zoom a photo? Why can’t my subtitles use the non-bold font? Can I bookmark a page in a Series so I can show it to a friend instead of scrolling? How do I recommend? Speaking of that …
  4. What’s up with Claps? I clapped on my own story to see what would happen and I got 28 claps. I tapped again twice because I’m OCD and wanted the round number. Still, I really shouldn’t get credit for those and it’s kind of an off-brand way of recommending a Series.
  5. How are people going to find Series? For posts, we have publications but at this point, there’s no way to join with others to gain strength in numbers. Are Medium-folk doing this kind of curation? Will there be “Featured” awards like with regular posts? Currently, my new Series doesn’t show up in my Profile or my Latest tabs.



Michael Cohen

Founder of Cohen Research Group. Publisher of Congress in Your Pocket. Lecturer at Johns Hopkins. Author of Modern Political Campaigns