Michael Dominick O S
4 min readJun 14, 2023


Michael Dominick O S in his personal library

Michael Dominick O S is a vibrant and energetic Youngman of many facets, a well-known Nigerian blogger, widely recognized for his work in personal development coaching. He is often referred to as PrimeMOVER and the PURPOSE_Activator, which speaks to his ability to motivate people and help them make significant progress in their lives.

Apart from been a Nigerian blogger, he is also a prolific author, African Personal Development Coach, Nigerian ICT Training facilitator, Tech geek, IT specialist, Forex Technical Analyst, Forex Coach, Android Gadgets and Software Tutor; and currently a National Public Speaker.

Michael was recognized and awarded by Success Activators Academy in a “One Month Rising Champions Programme” as the “Most Exciting Activator” Cohort 04, SAA September 2020 (Now SALBA: Success Activators Leadership Business Academy) whose Provost is Felix Odofin.

In July 2022, His immense and Valuable contents online has earned him the recognition and endorsement as “TOP Person Ambassador” of The TOP Person — An International Business, Politics, and NGO Magazine and a Global Charity. You can visit their website here to know more at

Michael’s main area of focus is purpose-driven living. He believes that everyone has a unique purpose in life, and that finding that purpose is essential to living a fulfilling life. He is passionate about helping people discover their purpose and develop the skills and mindset necessary to achieve their goals.

He has dedicated his life to helping distracted persons stay focus in finding their life’s purpose, develop a high self-esteem personality, earning extra income through skill-preneurship, harnessing their potential to the fullest and becoming a better version of themselves, while living a lifestyle they desire and designed for themselves.

In many ways, his blogging passion has improved him tremendously to become an insatiable learner, a deep thinker, a better writer, an avid reader, online adventurer, a prolific author of several eBooks and a solution provider.

With a passion for personal growth, Michael Dominick O S has authored several books aimed at helping individuals worldwide achieve their personal and professional goals.

His books include: “Discover Your Life’s Purpose: Your Number One Mission On Earth”, “Radical Impartation and Mindset Reprograming: Expectation versus Reality”, “5 Levels of Education Model Propounded by Michael Dominick”, “Three Vital Essence: The Keys to a Focus Driven Life”, “Relationship Magnet: 3 C’s formula for designing a better relationship, minimizing your chances of having a heart break” and “The Story of A Man Who Converted Air To Money”.

In addition to writing, Michael is also an inspired purpose-activator and personal development coach. Through his coaching program, he guides and supports individuals on their journey towards a purposeful and fulfilling life. His approach is centered around building self-awareness, resilience, and goal-setting skills that enable his clients to unlock their full potential.

As a personal development coach, Michael emphasizes the importance of taking personal responsibility for one’s life. He encourages people to focus on their strengths and use them to create opportunities for success. He believes that anyone can achieve their goals if they are committed and willing to put in the effort.

As a blogger, Michael Dominick O S shares his insights, tips, and strategies for personal development, leadership, entrepreneurship, and social impact. His blog is a treasure trove of resources and information, with an array of topics ranging from business and finance to self-confidence, motivation, and spiritual growth.

There was one inspired post that caught the wave on Quora Space titled “A GIFT TO THIS GENERATION” a post that awakens the purpose of every individual living on the surface of this earth and an inspired message to those who feel lost on their journey through life.

You can check the inspired message here at

Michael’s blog is a valuable resource for anyone interested in personal development. He covers a wide range of topics, including goal-setting, time management, leadership, and mindset. His writing is insightful, practical, and always positive.

In addition to his blog, Michael is also a sought-after public speaker. He delivers engaging and inspiring talks on a variety of topics related to personal development. His coaching services are highly sought after and he has helped many people achieve their dreams.

As a PURPOSE_Activator With a remarkable track record, Michael Dominick O S has become a role model and inspiration to many. His work has impacted individuals and communities globally, empowering them to create meaningful change in their lives and society.

In a world that often seeks quick fixes and shortcuts, Michael Dominick O S emphasis on personal growth and development is refreshing and empowering. His message reminds us that our journey towards success and fulfillment is a process, one that requires intention, clarity, dedication, and an unwavering belief in ourselves.

Michael Dominick O S the PrimeMOVER and PURPOSE_Activator, is indeed a force to reckon with in the personal development space, and his impact is felt by all who come across his work.

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to get sidetracked and lose sight of what’s truly important. Michael Dominick O S, PrimeMOVER, Purpose-Activator, and Personal development coach, is a beacon of hope for those who feel stuck or lost. With his guidance and support, anyone can find their purpose and live the life they were meant to live.

He is currently open to collaborations, teamwork, speaking invitations in Personal Developing Coaching, Youth Conferences, Tech and Android Gadget Trainings, ICT Trainings, and Android Phone Skills Mastery.

Michael Dominick O S can be reached through his social media handles especially on LinkedIn which is his top social media, simply connect and send a message

Online Profile at

Michael Dominick Blog… Create a better version of yourself at

Follow Personal Development growth on his Quora Space at

WhatsApp: 08087029723



Michael Dominick O S

The PrimeMOVER and PURPOSE_Activator, TOP Person Ambassador, Blogger Coach, Author, Personal Development Coach & ICT Training Facilitator