Job Titles in the Design Industry (Pt.1)

Michael Ehrnboeck
3 min readApr 18, 2019


Top 10 most (not) memorable Job Titles

Working in the design industry is nice right now: Design as an important discipline in product development is getting more and more attraction and importance to customers. Due to that there are plenty of (sometimes not so) well paid jobs out there right now. But thats also the point where the design industry gets pretty weird: Job Titles. From time to time I check out job boards from companies I would maybe like to work for. I often find myself searching for a fitting design position without finding one at once because it is hidden behind some mysterious designation. The “job title arbitrariness” fought a tough battle and at the end of the day it celebrated a bittersweet victory: It became an incomprehensible mess. However, honour to whom honour is due, I created my personal top 10 most (not) memorable job titles in the design industry:

Top 10 most (not) memorable job titles:

10. Contract Visual Designer. Boston, USA
Your job is either designing contracts or you get a contract for working with them (should that be noteworthy?).

№ 9. Senior Integrated Designer, Berlin, GER
For those who are looking to finally be part of something.

№ 8. Data Visualisation Designer (m/f/x), Berlin, GER
Redesigning Excel-Sheets? Truly living the dream.

№ 7. Experienced quick developer with passion for design, Madrid, ES
You better be quick! And does not everyone have a passion for design? Or at least an opinion on it?

№ 6. Interaction Designer/Visual Designer/Design Technologist/Design Researcher, Shanghai, China
One man show, you get it all! Enjoy the late nights, early mornings and spent weekends at work, hooray!

№ 5. Senior Network Design Architect (m/f), Calgary, CAN
Why hiring developer and designer when there are one man armies out there who can do it all? Well played HR (also see no. 6)

№ 4. Digital Fullcustom Designer, Munich, GER
The job is in Munich. There is no translation of “Fullcustom” to German at all. Enough said.

№ 3. Designer I, California, USA
You are obviously the № 1 designer in the company. Designer № 2 and № 3 will love you. Unfort you only made it to № 3 in my list — sorry.

№ 2. Experiential Designer, New York, USA
Best fit: 20 years old, master degree, three unpaid internships at four Silicon Valley companies and a year abroad voluntarily working for an NGO in Namibia.

№ 1. President of Design, Munich, GER
I mean, not president of the united states, but at least you became a president of something and №. 1 in my list, congrats!

Hope you enjoyed the list. Feel free to post other crazy job titles in the comment section!

Note: I also created a part II were you get an instruction for how to create an amazing job title for yourself. Check it out!

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