Michael Evarts
2 min readAug 4, 2017


Sapere Aude, very nice thoughtful response to my comment. Thank you for that.

My belief is that I try to believe that our Supreme Court has Justices who believe in the letter of the law and will allow their personal opinions to help give them an idea as to the way that they will Judge any case.

I totally agree, if Judge Kennedy were to retire before Trump and his band of renowned ultra conservative Republican’s Congressmen are voted out during the midterm elections, they must be implicated in as co-conspirators in Trumps act of Treason. The simple fact that when Justice Scalia passed, his seat became vacant and President Obama had tried to appoint a Justice to Justice Scalia’s seat, only to be blocked time and time again by Senator Mitch McConnell. This was very unfortunate and extremely racist on McConnell’s part. It would be been a complete disaster for this Southern Republican racist to have to explain down at his local “Club,” the white knights. For 14 months, McConnell kept on refusing to hold hearings for President Obama’s choice to fill the empty seat on the Supreme Court. When Trump was elected, he was able to appoint Neil Gorsuch to fill the vacant seat. Justice Gorsuch is a Republican and is also very conservative. Will he follow the law to the best of his knowledge? It’s really to soon to know which way the wind blows. He may be a more level headed, and not giving his decisions to please Trump. After all, these men and women have their jobs for the rest of their lifetime. But, were are looking at a few Justices that are getting up in years and could be considering retiring before a Democrat President or Congress is in place. If the election in 2018 sees the Democrats gaining control of the House and the Senate, they could hold up everything that a Republican President tries to get passed into law. But if Justice Kennedy retires, we will have a boatload of troubles. and it could be decades that the courts would be conservative without any hope for more liberal decisions.

I also saw in the last few days that a woman was just appointed to a federal judgeship but said that she will use her religious beliefs and the Bible to pass judgement on cases instead of the Law as it is written? This would be a very bad basis in deciding how a person should be judged, but the law of the land or the laws of God?

