Image by Michael Franks

Why didn’t I do it sooner?

Michael Franks
2 min readMar 14, 2017


My heart tells me I want it…my head makes up reasons why I shouldn’t have it.

Why the denial? Why do I create conflict around the things I want?

Does it come down to the fear of change…a habitual resistance to it?

Does everyone feel this way?

Change requires making a decision between one or more things…and that often come at a price…perhaps emotionally, maybe physically, and not forgetting monetarily.

Instinct for survival…

Change challenges my basic instinct for survival. It challenges me to make the unfamiliar familiar…the unknown known…

No one else can do it for me…I’m on my own…and regardless of the outcome, I’m solely responsible for it.

What if it doesn’t work out? What will people think? Who are these people doing all this thinking?

Me versus my thoughts…

If the truth be known, I’m too focused on my own future to worry about others…and I expect they feel the same…

I’m the star in my own movie…and only a ‘bit-player’ in the movies of others…so why the fuss?

It feels like a game…me versus my thoughts.

Change is inevitable, it’s part of our natural progression…is it not? It’s not without precedent…

No regrets…

Here’s the other half of the mystery…

At what point does change occur when it finally does? How does the clock measure the moment?

Does it happen in my sleep? Do I wake up having changed? Does sleep mysteriously absolve me from the responsibility of allowing it to happen?

Looking back…many of the changes I’ve had to make have been difficult, no question…but most were for the better in the end…no regrets.

…perhaps one…

I wish I’d made them sooner.

Thank you for reading, please give it a little heart if you enjoyed it…it would make it easier for others to find…originally published on my website.



Michael Franks

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