3 Ways Product Managers Can Lead Their Agile Teams To Own Their OKRs

Product Managers who take the time to collaborate with their teams on a few simple activities can expand their team’s influence and create a path towards sustainable results

Michael H. Goitein
12 min readJul 27, 2022
Mapping a path to success. Photo by charlesdeluvio on Unsplash

The notion of what it means for a team to “deliver value” has radically changed.

Much of the Enterprise has for years been at the mercy of the PMO (“Project Management Organization”), and their factory-worker micromanagement assumptions, closely monitoring hours worked, percentage of time kept busy (“Utilization”), or setting and enforcing “Output” delivery goals like measuring number of lines of code written, or interfaces designed.

Fortunately, Objectives and Key Results offers another way to measure value.

OKRs to the Rescue…?

One of the benefits the Objectives and Key Results framework provides is shifting the emphasis from measuring individual worker outputs to targeting team-focused achievement goals.

Unfortunately, for many organizations, the move to Outcomes frequently gets flipped too far the other way, and teams get handed excessively high-level lagging Business Impact goals.

