Why This Industry Leader’s Simple Diagram Is The Best Way To Manage Your OKR-Driven Agile Team You’re Not Using

Michael H. Goitein
3 min readJan 13, 2022
Photo by Felix Mittermeier from Pexels

As an Agile Coach working with multiple teams, I have struggled to help them stay focused on the highest-priority work.

As we introduced Objectives and Key Results to gain more client- and Outcome-centricity, teams have lacked a simple way to keep the most important work front and center. Traditional roadmaps were either too high-level, or unhelpful to show progress against the metrics that mattered. Regular OKR check-ins proved helpful, but teams lost context on short-term execution, and would get blindsided by crucial tanking metrics.

There had to be a better way, but any alternative seemed too complicated.

Meet Christina Wodtke

Christina Wodtke is former director of design at Yahoo!, Principal Product Manager at LinkedIn, GM at Zynga, and a current Stanford University lecturer. She’s shared many of her insights across teachings, talks, and three books: Pencil Me In, The Team That Managed Itself, and Radical Focus 2.0, the quintessential OKR guide.

Enter Christina’s Four Square

Initially introduced in the first edition of Radical Focus, I immediately recognized the sheer brilliance of Christina’s…



Michael H. Goitein

Aligning Strategy, Product & Lean/Agile Delivery for maximum value | Enterprise Agile, OKRs & Product Coach at @keybank | https://michaelgoitein.substack.com/