VC Spectra Crypto Pre-Sale Scam

Michael Gugliotti
2 min readDec 21, 2023


To Whom It May Concern,

Recently I was hired by several clients who have made investments with a cryptocurrency investment company called VC Spectra. There were numerous articles listed on crypto on-line publications all promoting the pre-sale of the VC Spectra coin. Unfortunately, my clients did not conduct due diligence and purchased thousands of dollars worth of VC Spectra. They all paid with existing cryptocurrency that they held in their crypto wallets. The mere fact that they do not accept fiat currency payments should have raised suspicion.

We have since learned that the company is a scam. They have bypassed several publicized launch dates, and they continually increase their token goal level on their website. After confronting an alleged accounts manager, who identified himself as a Henry Sterling, one of my clients was suspended from his/her account and all communication either by phone or email was cutoff. They have all made numerous attempts to have their funds returned, all with negative results.

We have filed fraud reports with the various law enforcement agencies such as FBI, FTC, SEC etc.

However, I am writing to you to respectfully ask if you would please remove all literature, whether paid for by the client or not, from your publications. These articles and press releases make it much easier for a person to fall victim to the trap of investing in scam companies. My team and I have begun an in-debt investigation of the people responsible for this scam. Some of the names used include Henry Sterling, Elizabeth Rosanna, Matt Smart, Matt Maillard, Robert Green, Jonathan Carewell and Mahmudul Ridoy. The phone numbers they use come back to both London and Dublin. These same names, I have learned, have been used in previous crypto pre-sale scams and have cost unsuspecting investors millions of dollars.

I hope you will take a serious look at this company and remove their content from your site.



Michael Gugliotti

Current licensed private investigator and founder, owner and managing member of Under the Sun Investigations LLC. Former Chief of Police 25 years in LE.