Attack of the Swifties

All Hail Taylor Swift, the Greatest of the Great

Michael John Scott
3 min readNov 8, 2023


When Swifties Attack—by Michael J. Scott and Dall-E-3

The Swifties were coming; torches held high, pitchforks and axes swinging for my head. Soon, they would be burning the castle. If only I had known.

A couple of weeks ago, following a flood of news featuring Taylor Swift, I made a huge mistake. I commented on Facebook that I had never heard any songs by Ms Swift. Not one. I then went on to muse about why she was featured on all the news outlets, even the Grey Lady herself, The New York Times, to the exclusion of what I considered real news, you know, like wars and shit.

For a moment, all was quiet on the Facebook front as I wandered about, remarking on the cool dogs, the confident cats and the fun memes. Oh yes. All those memes. Then, I heard it: the ‘bing.’ I received a comment. Then, before I had time to react, there was another, and another and another. What? What in the barking fuck was happening? Multiple bings signalled one of my posts was getting a lot of attention.

I confess that even at my advanced age, I am happy for comments on my posts. What are my ‘friends’ liking and commenting on? Was it my intellectual remarks on the state of the nation? Perhaps my educated observations on the terrible tragedies of war sweeping the world? Yes. No doubt it was that. Something important. Pressing. News.



Michael John Scott

Professor Mike is a retired cop, veteran, and dog lover. He writes in a variety of genres, even politics. He teaches because he is too old to do anything else.