the Soulful Surfer
1 min readDec 10, 2015

Single Minded Determination

So facing the difficulties of the present will define our character and determine our future.

At present there are many difficulties around that seem to push and pull me in one or another direction. I guess this comes from having the los kop (easily forgets) that I do. The problem I have is commitment and belief in the dream I hope to achieve. So what I do is get a whole bunch of dreams together and settle for the one that best presents itself at any given time. Cover all my basis one would say, but in effect it sends out mix singles to the powers that be.

A new approach is needed, single minded intention and determination to my number one goal. Free from attachment which based on previous experiments is the key that unlocks the door to the prize!

So what do I leave you with; challenges are surmountable and nothing is impossible, what is required is single minded determination free from the attachment to the result. Let’s give it a bash!

the Soulful Surfer

A collection of experiences and lessons from the Soulful Surfer as he journeys through life.