Children Are Being Raised in Public by Electronics

Michael Lustig
1 min readNov 19, 2018


When you go out in public, you see kids on devices. Waistline away the time with devices. No headphones either a lot which is kind of rude to those patrons at the same establishment, but we’ll leave that aside for now.

Kids aren’t learning how to interact with adults, they’re learning how to waste time on screens. That’s not good for many obvious reasons and should be strongly discouraged.

This must doubtlessly effect how children interact with other children and perhaps is one of the reasons why there seems to exist some kind of identity issue.

Identity is formed by mimicry and when there are no humans that a child is interacting with to mimic, what are they to form their identities from? You don’t want to mirror the older generations, but it is good to be developed to some extent by older generations; if for no other reason than to develop an understanding of the rules and to begin to create ones own means of helping new generations determine contradictory practices and to help resolve them.

Otherwise, things just revolve into chaos.

