This is just a guide: How to link one or more accounts to your XORN-Platform-Account.

Michael M
3 min readFeb 9, 2019


To do this, first, go to and log in to your own account. If you have used the demo account on the site s far, it will now be time to create your own account, since you want to link your own Crypto-Bridge account with an API and this access is only for you.

To do this, click on “register” in the upper right corner and enter your e-mail address in the upper field and a password selected for this platform only in the lower field. After clicking “Submit” you should receive within seconds a confirmation email with which you can activate your account.

Now go back to the platform page and press “login”. You will also find this button on the top right. In the login mask, you now enter the account just created and press login. Now you should see a new button named “profile” on the top right — for the demo account, we disabled this area completely. Click on this item and you should be at the menu-page to enter your Crypto-Bridge-Accounts.

In order to use upcoming features like stop-loss and general trading work, you need to enter your API-Key, for just showing the balances for all your accounts — you don’t need it yet.

Through the API, it is possible to remotely perform actions on your account, so always be wary of which services and service-providers you entrust this API key. At least the API-Key allows those that have it, to perform actions that are not in your interest — it may even be possible to clear your account balance.

To find your Private-API-Key, log in to the page and click on the three overlapping bars in the upper right corner to open the drop-down menu. Click on “Settings” and select the sub-item “Accounts” on the left. By clicking on “View Keys” you will be shown your public API-key associated with the account. The “private key” can be found by clicking on the “key”-icon. In the new window, click on “SHOW” and the secret key will be displayed. Copy and paste it behind the corresponding account name in the XORN-Platform. Please make sure when typing, that both your account name and the private-key case are case-sensitive. After you have entered your account names and the API keys, enter your XORN-platform password at “current password” below and press “Save”. To see your connection has worked click on close settings and select the item “Balances” next to the items “Exchange” and “Trades” in your account.

