The changing role of Dads

Michael Malek
6 min readMay 9, 2023


In the past decade, the role of the modern dad has undergone a significant transformation. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated this change, creating new expectations for dads and their involvement in their family life. In this article, we will explore how the role of modern dads has changed, the challenges they face in balancing family and work, and the ways they can adapt to meet these new expectations.

The Changing Role of the Modern Dad

The traditional role of the dad as the sole breadwinner and protector of the family has evolved into a more nuanced and complex role. Today, dads are expected to be more involved in their children’s lives and to take on a greater share of household and childcare responsibilities.

One of the main reasons for this change is the rise of women in the workforce. With more moms working outside the home, dads are increasingly taking on the role of the primary caregiver for their children. In fact, a recent study found that dads in the US are spending more time than ever before with their children and are more involved in their day-to-day care.

Another factor driving this change is the growing recognition of the importance of dads in their children’s lives. Research has shown that dads who are actively involved in their children’s lives have a positive impact on their cognitive and social development, as well as their emotional well-being. See references at the end of the article.

Involved “dadhood” has numerous benefits for both the dad and the child. For dads, being involved in their children’s lives allows them to develop a deeper emotional connection with their children, which can lead to increased satisfaction and fulfillment in their role as a parent. It also allows dads to develop new skills and perspectives, such as increased patience, empathy, and problem-solving abilities, that can benefit them both in their personal and professional lives.

For children, having an involved dad can lead to better academic performance, higher self-esteem, and better mental health outcomes. Research has shown that children with involved dads are less likely to experience behavioral problems and are more likely to have positive relationships with their peers. They are also more likely to have better long-term outcomes, such as higher rates of college attendance and career success.

Furthermore, involved “dadhood” can lead to more equal and fulfilling family relationships. When dads are actively involved in childcare and household responsibilities, it allows moms to have more time and energy to pursue their own goals and interests, which can lead to greater overall satisfaction and fulfillment for the entire family.

The Impact of COVID-19 on Dadhood

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on fatherhood, both in terms of the amount of time dads are spending with their children and the types of responsibilities they are taking on. With many families working from home and children learning remotely, dads have had to balance their work responsibilities with the demands of parenting and household chores.

This has led to a rise in what has been called the “pandemic dad,” a dad who is more involved in his children’s lives than ever before. In many cases, these dads are taking on tasks that were traditionally seen as the domain of mothers, such as cooking, cleaning, and homeschooling.

The Challenges of Balancing Family and Work

While the changing role of dads has many benefits, it also presents significant challenges. Balancing the demands of work and family life can be stressful and overwhelming, and many dads report feeling guilty or conflicted about their priorities. One of the biggest challenges is societal pressure and workplace culture that can discourage men from taking time off for family responsibilities. Many men fear being stigmatized or penalized for taking paternity leave or reducing their work hours to care for their children.

In addition, the new expectations for dads to be more involved in their children’s lives can be emotionally challenging. Many men have been socialized to repress their emotions and to prioritize work over family, making it difficult for them to adapt to these new expectations.

The Importance of Mental Health

The changing role of dads and the challenges that come with it highlight the importance of prioritizing mental health. Dads need to be able to express their emotions and to seek support when they are feeling overwhelmed or stressed. This can be especially challenging for men who have been socialized to be stoic and self-reliant, but it is essential for their well-being and the well-being of their families.

Recommendations for Balancing Family and Work

To successfully balance family and work responsibilities, dads can take several steps:

  • Communicate openly with their partner and family about their needs and priorities. This can help to ensure that everyone is on the same page and can work together to find solutions that work for everyone.
  • Set realistic expectations for themselves and their families, recognizing that they may not be able to do everything. This may involve prioritizing certain tasks or responsibilities and delegating others to other family members or outside resources.
  • Make time for self-care activities, such as exercise, hobbies, and relaxation to help manage stress and maintain their emotional well-being.
  • Seek support from friends, family, or a therapist if needed. This can help to alleviate feelings of stress, guilt, or conflict and provide a sounding board for navigating difficult decisions or situations.
  • Dads should prioritize quality time with their children and make sure to be present and engaged during that time. This can involve setting aside designated time for one-on-one activities with each child and being fully present and attentive during that time.
  • Finally, embrace their role as a dad and the unique skills and perspectives they bring to their family.

Additionally, dads can seek out resources and support networks specifically designed for involved dads. These may include parenting groups or workshops, online forums or social media groups, or mentorship programs that provide guidance and support from other dads who have successfully navigated the challenges of balancing work and family life.


The role of the modern dad has changed significantly in the past decade, and the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated this transformation. While the new expectations for dads can be challenging, they also present an opportunity for dads to develop new skills, build stronger relationships with their children, and contribute to a more equal and fulfilling family life.

It is essential for dads to prioritize their mental health and seek support when needed. By communicating openly with their partners and families, setting realistic expectations, and making time for self-care and quality time with their children, dads can successfully balance their family and work responsibilities.

Overall, the changing role of dads is a positive development, reflecting a growing recognition of the importance of dads in their children’s lives and a more equal distribution of caregiving responsibilities. By embracing their role as dads and adapting to the new expectations, dads can help build stronger, more supportive families and communities.


  • Cabrera, N. J., Shannon, J. D., & Tamis-LeMonda, C. (2007). Fathers’ influence on their children’s cognitive and emotional development: From toddlers to pre-K. Applied Developmental Science, 11(4), 208–213.
  • Sarkadi, A., Kristiansson, R., Oberklaid, F., & Bremberg, S. (2008). Fathers’ involvement and children’s developmental outcomes: A systematic review of longitudinal studies. Acta Paediatrica, 97(2), 153–158.
  • Pruett, M. K. (2000). Fatherneed: Why father care is as essential as mother care for your child. Broadway Books.


  • This article is written from a perspective of a dad in the more “traditional” sense of what a dad is. However, it can apply to anyone who has the role of a “dad” in a relationship.
  • The way I define dad is: “A person who mainly relies on and provides the male energy component in a relationship and particularly directed towards the nurture/development and well being of a child conceived in the relationship or otherwise (any situation making it a family unit of more than two members)”.
  • This is from my individual perspective.



Michael Malek

I like to write and share what I know and learned in life so far. Maybe it can help someone achieve their dreams or solve their problems even if only a little.