How to Avoid the Beach Ball Syndrome (and End the Cycle of World Wars)

Michael Mamas
4 min readOct 5, 2016


Photo by Tanja Mamas

You can push and hold a beach ball beneath the water surface, but when you let it go, it will spring right back up to the surface. Our world’s history reads as a historical account of essentially the same process, over and over and over again.

Throughout the ages, time and time again, wars spring up all over our planet, only to be suppressed and then reappear again in a different region. Genghis Khan, Attila the Hun, Napoleon, Hitler, and now ISIS make the list. Incredibly, the underlying principle has yet to be recognized. Even more tragically, if it were recognized, society would have no idea how to deal with it.

The human species is sometimes thought of as lesser evolved than animals. This notion is justified by citing the horrific atrocities and world wars only our species is capable of. However, there is a deeper and more common sense explanation of such behavior. Human beings have been blessed with a cognitive intellect. The human mind is an extremely powerful tool, but like any extremely powerful tool, it must be used wisely. If not, it is capable of tremendous harm.

The source of all existence, the essence of all beings, is the unified field, which is infinitely harmonious, infinitely intelligent, and infinitely constructive. It is the true nature of the cognitive mind. However, stresses and strains in the human physiology distort, twist, and compromise humanity’s ability to live in harmony with that exquisite source.

Suppressing tyrants does nothing to free the global consciousness of humanity from these stresses and strains. Instead, like the beach ball, the horrific manifestations of those stresses and strains are just pushed beneath the surface for a period of time, only to erupt again as another war or source of atrocity.

The only solution to the problem is to free humanity from these stresses and strains. But we’re not talking about superficial stresses and strains that can be alleviated with a good nap or a nice walk on the beach. We’re talking about deep-rooted stresses and strains for which people in modern times have yet to agree upon a remedy.

Ancient Seers taught that proper meditation alleviates such stresses and strains. Unfortunately, many meditations have emerged that suppress the stresses and strains through mind control or behavior modification. This leads people to believe that they have found a solution. In reality, these are not solutions, but simply the beach ball syndrome repeated again in another form.

Through my lifetime of personal endeavor, I have settled upon one ancient meditation technique. It is the only one I recommend. I learned it, I practice it, I teach it, and I offer it free online.

Ancient Seers have said that we live in an age called Kali Yuga. It is a time when stresses, strains, and impurities live within human beings. For this reason, it is the age of wars, pillage, strife, suffering, and disease. As long as these stresses and strains remain in the human physiology, no laws, no form of government, and no army will eliminate it. Sooner or later, the beach ball will spring back up through the surface. The solution is so simple. The cost of not recognizing this solution is horrific. The technology offered by the ancient Seers, the most important of which is meditation, is available, but it’s a subtle technology that is easily compromised.

I long for the day and I work for the day when humanity recognizes the existence and validity of this technology. Life will then be lived in abundance. All people will live in harmony. The idealized notions we all share of the beauty that life can afford us will be realized and enjoyed by all of humanity on a daily basis throughout time.

Dr. Michael Mamas is the founder of The Center of Rational Spirituality, a nonprofit organization dedicated to the betterment of humanity through the integration of ancient spiritual wisdom with modern rational thought. From personal issues to global trends, Dr. Michael Mamas helps individuals and organizations develop a deeper understanding and more comprehensive outlook by providing a ‘bridge’ between the abstract and concrete, the Eastern and Western, and the ancient and modern. Dr. Michael Mamas has been teaching for 35 years (including in the U.S., India, Europe, and Canada), offers free online Surya Ram Meditation instruction, and writes on a variety of subjects on his blog,



Michael Mamas

Author and teacher Michael Mamas is a thought leader in the areas of spirituality & personal development.,