Michael McAllister
1 min readApr 15, 2016


Anecdotally, I’ve seen a lot of Clinton supporters talk about the struggles of women in the workplace. While this may be true, it’s a little bit ironic to support Clinton given that she is incredibly wealthy. Her perspective is not that of a single mother struggling from paycheck to paycheck. She has taken money from the very institutions that are responsible for the economic crash that left so many people in financial ruin.

Do I think that Clinton will be better on social issues than a Republican? Yes. She has coined herself in the past as a progressive who “knows how to get things done”. Her foreign policy perspective will not only perpetuate war in various regions of the world, it will do nothing to address the ever encroaching environmental issues. Alternative energies have to be a top priority. Do you honestly think that Exxon Mobil will continue to funnel money to her campaign (or the Clinton Foundation) if she tries to drastically impede their business model? She appears to have no problem taking millions from fossil fuel industries.

For the record, I am very disappointed in President Obama. While he has faced incredible obstruction from Congress, some of his policies are just as bad, if not worse, than those of the Bush Administration. I would not expect a former constitutional law professor to support the continuation of the Patriot Act, indefinite detentions, and ‘kill lists’.

