Rama Media Productions
4 min readAug 1, 2018

In the new age of video games, multiplayer games have gone through many drastic updates over the years. from being played locally by a set of individuals, to the new massive frontiers where online multiplayer platforms are arising from the depths of the Video Game industry. These online multiplayer platforms formed communities around the world, From this, the concept of online game streaming was born.

What is Video game Streaming?

Video Game Streaming is the concept in which other players with the same game interest, gather as a audience in a online LIVE, or prerecorded channel to spectate somebody else play the video game of their liking, just like when you go to your friends party and everyone is gathered with multiple controllers in hand playing, but you can just help but to only watch and not play. This was created due to the fact that there is a demand where individuals prefer to watch others play than actually playing themselves. These Online communities of Streamers gather in such channels to watch other players play their favorite games either out of entertainment, or with competitive interest to take notes from more advanced players etc.

The Demand within the streamer community has become one of the most popular and lucrative industries within the Video Game realm, and it only gets bigger from there.

According to the NewZoo reports, the gaming industry has gained quite the substantial growth in the past couple of years.

NewZoo tracked the demand of The ESPORTS platform, reporting the statistics that ESPORTS games have doubled their demand and revenue from 2015 to 2017. With an audience of 120 million ESPORTS enthusiasts and viewers with a revenue of $325 million dollars in 2015, reaching an upscale of a 19.6% in demand growth at 194 million people, overturning the growth of their income by $696 million dollars. that is s almost 41% of the total revenue.

The Game Streaming industry is expected to keep on growing with the new age of mobile gaming and VR platforms, once this data is gathered and studied by a financial analysts point of view, it becomes a “game-changing” opportunity for new start up entrepreneurs, As they can come up with more substantial data, they can come to an educated guess to new evidences that the Online Streaming industry is going gain lots of demand and popularity in the future coming years to come. This data gives entrepreneurs within the industry the ability to update and renovate the new financial projects in which they will modernize the way audiences watch other online gamers play.

DeStream is a Decentralized financial platform, its aim is to decentralize the economy behind the new age game streaming industry by taking it out of the harsh rules and regulations that various governments around the worlds have within their FIAT currency.

Crypto Currencies and blockchain technologies are sometimes even more stable than some countries FIAT currency, thus, DeStream is modernizing the way that gamers and audiences will interact with each other by making the experience more secure, valuable and ever fresh.

DeStream is trying to revolutionize the Streaming transmission market. It will bring new ways of interaction with new platforms never seen before, it will help bond and modernize the relation to how audiences watch other gamers online.

DeStream will bring new concepts and technologies to help establish better communication between audiences and players, as well as a new variety of ways of interaction. all this is done by creating a decentralized secure platform, where it supports high-end security with smart contracts.

DeStream offers great opportunities for both the streaming communities and content creators. Both will benefit from a secure and reliable system, where they can feel comfortable while at the same enhancing the experience to another level never seen before, all this by offering to its users; the DeStream Token.

DeStream Token

The structure of the DeStream token will come with many advantages. DeStream is currently building an ecosystem where spectators and streamers will be able to interact with each other in more beneficial ways, this will provide a platform where it will solve most of the current streaming platforms problems, they will simplify the life of the Streamers, by making a user friendly and secure platform for simpler handling, Thus, leading to the highest grade of quality in communication and interaction within the ecosystem ever seen before.

DeStream Token is the new tool of Streaming pioneers where the competition can’t even come close to matching DeStream platform power, some of those popular tools are:

Marketing campaigns where different advertising platforms can unite forces into promoting Streamers.

Helping Gamers launch their channels successfully by covering about a fifth of the startup costs by refunding 20% of the total budget to individuals in FIAT currency.

Why is DeStream Token the best out there?

  • New ways of donating and support of players content.
  • DeStream Store allowing the easier purchase of essential and in game products
  • Obtaining rewards from the announcers
  • Pay for services in general within the platform
  • Smart-contracts

The sale of the tokens will take place:

  • Private Sales Round till July 15th, 2018
  • TOTAL: 6,000,000,000
  • 3,600,000,000 DST
  • 1DST = $0.006
  • Pre-sale: July 1st — Aug 1st
  • White Cap: $5,500,000
  • Hard Cap: $12,000,000
  • Previous Maximum Limit: 9,000,000$ USD
  • Maximum: 6,000,000,000 DTS


WEB: https://DeStream.io

WHITEPAPER: https://destream.io/media/1101/destream_whitepaper_-en.pdf

TWITTER: https://twitter.com/destreamproject

TELEGRAM: https://t.me/destreamen

REFERRAL: https://destream.io/?referralId=adf52557d7994818a3bf8131262f2179#action=bountyreg

Author BTT: CryptoMedia_Solution