Bind Kavanaugh: Emergency Ritual for the #MagicResistance

Extra Newsfeed
Published in
6 min readOct 3, 2018

Time is running out.

We watched as Dr. Christine Blasey Ford told her painful story with dignity, honesty, and courage.

We watched as the GOP’s hired witch hunter tried to tear her story apart.

We watched the ugly performance of Kavanaugh himself as he raged and lied and sputtered and cried and demanded that the people of the U.S. give him what he believes he is entitled to—a lifetime seat on the United States Supreme Court. A position in which he will be able to—and most assuredly will—overturn Roe v. Wade and abolish women’s reproductive rights. And allow Donald Trump to escape punishment for his treason and multitude of crimes when his reckoning ultimately comes due.

And yesterday, we watched cretinous Donald Trump mercilessly mock the woman who had her young life turned upside-down by Kavanaugh’s brutal sexual assault.

Time is running out. We cannot allow this lying, entitled, arrogant, rapey piece of garbage to become a judge on the highest court in the land.

Once again, it’s time to bind.

The following ritual is a variant of my #MeToo spell, which may be found in my newly published book, Magic for the Resistance: Rituals and Spells for Change (Llewellyn Worldwide).

Unlike the Trump binding spell, there is no need to coordinate the timing of this working. Do it whenever it is convenient, but please do it before the upcoming confirmation vote in the Senate. Many of us will be casting the spell at midnight (Eastern Time) on the evening before the vote if you wish to join forces with us.

Please share widely! We can do this. When you complete the spell, please follow up by calling your Senators and urging them to vote NO. In particular, contact Jeff Flake of Arizona, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, and Susan Collins of Maine.


  • Black candle
  • White candle
  • Justice tarot card
  • Small nail or pin
  • Paper figure of a man. Make sure it is shorter than your black candle. It can be rough, just a general outline of a human figure. If you desire, cut out a photo of Kavanaugh’s face and glue/tape it to the paper figure.
  • Black thread or string
  • Pen or marker


Inscribe (carve) the name “Brett Michael Kavanaugh” on the black candle with the nail or pin, saying the name aloud as you do so.

On the white candle, inscribe the symbol of Venus.

Take the cut-out paper figure and write “Brett Michael Kavanaugh” on it, saying the name aloud as you are writing it.

Place all the components on your altar. Lean the Justice tarot card upright against the white candle, or place it next to it.

Center/banish/consecrate your space per your usual routine and begin. If you don’t have one, simply say a prayer to your preferred deity(s).

Bind Kavanaugh Spell

Light the white candle, saying:

I light this candle to honor Christine Blasey Ford, Deborah Ramirez, Julie Swetnick, and all women who have been harmed by Brett Michael Kavanaugh

As you say the following, slowly wrap the black thread or string around the paper doll and the black candle (you are wrapping/binding the paper doll to the candle). Be sure to leave some room at the top of the candle near the wick, as you will be lighting it.


I bind you, Brett Michael Kavanaugh
I bind your groping, grasping hands
I bind your leering eyes
I bind your lying mouth

When the paper doll is completely wrapped, tie a knot, binding it to the candle.


I bind your genitals, that they may fail to bring you pleasure at another’s expense

With the pin or nail, pierce the paper doll’s genital area, embedding the pin or nail in the candle.

Now light the black candle (being careful not to burn the paper doll). Hold it aloft and say:

You are powerless over any woman you have abused
Your foul deeds have bound you
To their consequences
And as the elements expose
What lies hidden beneath the soil
So you wicked behavior
Shall be exposed to all

Say, with increasing intensity:

In the name of Christine Blasey Ford
In the name of Deborah Ramirez
In the name of Julie Swetnick
In the name of all women harmed by men
In the name of truth
In the name of Justice
You are bound!
You shall never sit on the highest court!

Blow out the black candle, visualizing Kavanaugh fading away into the dust of history. Feel the joy you will experience when he fails to become appointed to the Supreme Court.

Take a deep breath. Let it out.

Now hold your hands out to the white candle. Imagine your heart glowing in your chest, then send that love and healing energy through your arms and out of your palms to the candle. Send that love to Christine Blasey Ford, Deborah Ramirez, Julie Swetnick, and all women harmed by men, saying:

May you be healed
May you be protected
May your truth prevail

Leave the white candle burning for as long as you like, sitting silently while it radiates light and power and truth to the world, then say:

By the swift sword of Justice, so mote it be

Extinguish the white candle.


Afterward, at the first opportunity, take the wrapped black candle and leave it somewhere desolate and exposed to the elements. You many need to head into the woods or find a deserted, trash-strewn lot. If you can’t find a suitable location, throw it into a dumpster or garbage can located near a crossroads.

As with all spells in which you leave something outdoors, pick up three times the spell components’ weight in litter to right the balance.

Optionally, burn the white candle whenever you can as a vigil for women who have been sexually abused.


You don’t need to be a witch or a magician to do this spell. Magic belongs to all of us. If you are part of a tradition, feel free to adjust the ritual as needed.

If you’re worried that binding spells or magic could be dangerous, and before you bring up the Wiccan Rede, please read this.

The symbol on the images above is the #BindTrump sigil (magical symbol), which has been used by the resistance in workings to bind Donald Trump and all those who abet him (a category that clearly includes this reprehensible SCOTUS nominee). It has been energized by thousands of participants around the world, and is a potent tool for resistance magic against this administration and its enablers. The sigil is also available on t-shirts from Amazon and as pendants and altar sigils.

Please visit the offical Bind Trump Facebook group if you would like to join with other like-minded resistance witches and magicians.

Illustration © Marie Poliak (from Magic for the Resistance: Rituals and Spells for Change)

