Blue Wave: A Magical Spell to Save America

Extra Newsfeed
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9 min readOct 17, 2018

Whether you’re a witch or you’ve never done a magical spell, your country needs you now more than ever. Here’s a ritual that is easy and powerful—do it, share it with friends, then VOTE!


It is not an exaggeration to say this may be the most critical election of our lifetimes. Every day we witness the juggernaut of Trumpism rolling forward, crushing our democracy and spreading discord, hate, and corruption. The Trump cultists—and let’s face it, his supporters are truly members of a cult of personality, drunk on power, spite, and bigotry—have embraced the most brutish and ugly authoritarianism I have seen in my half century on this planet. They don’t care that their Dear Leader is the most brazenly corrupt, lying, venal, and treasonous politician ever to hold the highest office. In fact, they celebrate it.

And the complicit party that controls Congress has bent to his will, giving up all pretense of traditional conservatism and stewardship. They bow and scrape and grovel as he demands, even as the more principled members flee the party in horror.

I don’t care if you’re a Republican, a Democrat, an Independent, a Libertarian, a Green, or unaffiliated. If you care about the principles that have sustained our fragile democracy through dark times before—justice, the rule of law, equality, civility, and basic civil liberties—your country needs you now more than ever. When facing existential danger, Americans have always come together, regardless of partisanship or party affiliation.

We need the Blue Wave.

This is not a call for everyone to join the Democratic Party. It is not a call to pretend the Democrats do not have their own problems, or to suggest that voting straight D will fix everything. It won’t. There is plenty of corruption and greed and malfeasance on the left side of the aisle, too.

But the current GOP is aiding and abetting the authoritarian destruction of our system of governance under the cult of Trump. They are giving tax cuts to billionaires and corporations while salivating at the thought of cutting the social safety net that protects the poor, the sick, and the elderly. They have abetted the president’s treason, his fleecing of our treasury and violation of the Emoluments clause, and excused his flagrant, bald-faced obstructions of justice. They ramrodded a man credibly accused of sexual assault through a sham hearing and elevated him to the highest court, where he may do damage to civil liberties and reproductive rights for decades.

They sit by idly as children have been ripped from their parents and thrown into cages.

It’s not just Trump destroying our country, it is all those who enable and abet him—especially those who have been elected to serve us, but instead serve only money and power.

I remember a lesson my father taught me when I was a kid, as I watched him record the televised Watergate hearings on a reel-to-reel tape recorder. He was a lifelong union man, someone who always stood up for the underdog and taught me to resist unprincipled and despotic power. We talked about the importance of voting, and he made a point that is too often overlooked. “You can vote for someone you like,” he told me. “And that’s important. But you can also use your vote to take someone out.”

Voting is a tool, in other words, not a love letter. It can work two ways: as an opportunity to vote the right people into office, but also a defensive act to remove the corrupt, the criminal, and those doing grievous harm.

It’s time for every conscientious person—Republican, Democrat, or other—to come to the aid of their country and throw the treasonous, complicit, criminal GOP out on their asses. Then we can fix the mess they’ve left us. When the Trump cult has been shut down permanently, then we can hold the Democrats feet to the fire and enable ethical, traditional conservatives to rebuild their broken party.

One things is for certain: nothing will get fixed if the current Republicans retain their power. Things will only get tragically worse.

We’re standing on the edge of an abyss, America. The dream of our founders and the future of our country are hanging on for dear life.

It’s time to put all of our collective spiritual energy into the fight.

Join us. You don’t need to be a witch, a Wiccan, or a magic practitioner. You can be any religion or none, spiritual or an atheist. You can do the ritual as a prayer to whatever god or goddess you favor, to the Universe at large, or just to reaffirm your commitment to your ideals.

You don’t need to believe in magic to make magical things happen.

Join us before it’s too late.


Do this ritual daily until the election, if possible. Noon is best, midnight is also a good time, but do it whenever you have the opportunity. Most importantly, do it the night of November 2nd. Then go out on November 3rd and vote as if your country depended on it.


  • Blue candle (I recommend a glass-enclosed novena/prayer candle, but any candle will do)
  • Small red candle (birthday candle size is perfect)
  • Printout of the United States (you can use the one below)
  • Justice tarot card (or print of one)
  • Pin or nail (to inscribe candle)
  • Optional: Photos of candidates you are supporting, their campaign literature, or other materials


If you have an altar, use it. If you don’t have an altar, clear a space to serve as one.

Use the pin or nail to inscribe the words Blue Wave in the wax of the blue candle. If you’re using a prayer/novena candle, carve it into the top of the candle near the wick. Place the candle in a central spot on your altar.

Take the printout of the map of the United States and place it under the blue candle.

Place the Justice tarot card on your altar. You can lean it up against the blue candle if you’d like.

If you are using photos or literature of candidates you are supporting, place them around the blue candle.

Place the small red candle in front of the blue candle (lying on its side is fine).

Prepare for ritual, per your tradition if you have one, or simply take a few deep breaths to center yourself. You are now ready to begin.

Light the blue candle, then say:

Hear me, oh spirits
Of Water, Earth, Fire, and Air
Heavenly hosts
and spirits of the ancestors

I call upon you
In this hour of need
And request your aid
To save my country and its people

Raise a mighty blue wave, spirits
A wave of justice, and mercy, and truth
To wash away the corruption
And injustice
And wickedness

In the name of the children in cages
In the name of women abused
In the name of the oppressed
In the name of the earth and her creatures
In the name of ethics
And compassion
And civility
And freedom
And equality
And peace
And love

Hold your hands out, palms facing the candle.

Water, may you wash away corruption and injustice
Earth, may you bury the rot and sickness of authoritarianism
Fire, may you fuel the desire of good people to vote
Air, may you carry truth and honesty on your winds

Pick up the red candle.

GOP, by your wickedness, you are broken
GOP, by your deception, you are broken
GOP, by your corruption, you are broken

Snap the red candle, and place its pieces before the blue candle.

GOP, you shall be ground to dust beneath the wave

Again, hold your hands out to the blue candle. Then say, with increasing power while visualizing a huge blue wave rising and washing over a map of the United States:

Blue Wave, rise!
Blue Wave, wash over the land!
Blue Wave, cleanse!
Blue Wave, renew!

End the ritual with a prayer, clasping your hands.

May the sword of Justice prevail
May those who have embraced hate find love
May those who have gone astray
Find the path of righteousness
Forgive them, spirits
Break the chains that bind them
Open their eyes
Fill their hearts with mercy
Bring them to enlightenment

For the sake of democracy
For the sake of America
For the sake of the earth
For the sake of our children

So mote it be!

Allow the blue candle to burn as long as you would like, radiating its energy. When you blow it out, say “thank you.” Light the candle every day and say a prayer for victory, even if you don’t do the full spell.

Dispose of the broken red candle remnants at a crossroads (a trash can or dumpster near a crossroads is ideal), in running water, or bury it in a desolate place.

If you have used campaign literature on your altar, give it out before the election or at the polls.

And did I mention…. VOTE!


Please feel free to change the wording to suit your spiritual practice or tradition. Christians and Jews, for example, might omit the four directions and “spirits” and simply say “God.” Atheists and agnostics can appeal to the Universe. Adjust and tweak as you see fit. The important thing is that you do it, with intention and with all of the spiritual power you can summon.

Visualization is a key element in effective spellcasting. See the cleansing and purifying blue wave rising and washing across the country.

After you say “So mote it be,” feel the joy of a Democratic sweep of the midterms. Use all of your senses—hear the cheers of voters, feel the upwelling of happiness in your heart, see in your mind’s eye the electoral map flipping from red to blue on cable news. Really feel it as if it is already accomplished. That is the true key to manifesting magic.

If you are working for particular candidates, especially those in close races, you may consider reciting their names in the ritual after “For the sake of our children” and before “So mote it be.” For example:

For the sake of our children

Beto O’Rourke
Stacey Abrams
Andrew Gillum

So mote it be!

Michael M. Hughes is a writer, speaker, and magical thinker. His Spell to Bind Donald Trump and All Those Who Abet Him became the largest ongoing magical working in history. The ultra-conservative American Spectator said, “He may play footsie with the devil, but at least the man has a sense of humor.”

Michael is the author of Magic for the Resistance: Rituals and Spells for Change (Llewellyn Worldwide, 2018), which has been called “a rabble-rousing battle cry for magical thinkers everywhere” and “a fascinating look at how the occult arts can be used to promote progressive politics and social change.”

Magic for the Resistance: Rituals and Spells for Change is now available in print and ebook from your favorite bookseller and online. If you have a local occult/Pagan/new age bookseller, please support them!

You can sign up for Michael’s newsletter, check out his YouTube channel, and follow him on Twitter and Facebook. The official Bind Trump group is also on Facebook, so if you’re looking for a group to work some magic with, that’s where you’ll find them.

Michael’s other work on Medium may be found here.

Resist. Organize. VOTE.



Extra Newsfeed
Extra Newsfeed

Published in Extra Newsfeed

the same political rants you see on Facebook, but they're well written.

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