Will Rey turn to the Dark Side in ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’?

Michael Monteiro
2 min readOct 12, 2017


The new Star Wars: The Last Jedi trailer treated us to a masterful and eventful 2 and a half minutes of incredible action and possible cinematic situations.

One of which, is the possibility of Rey, the beloved heroine from ‘The Force Awakens’, turning to the Dark Side of the force.

This is a Star Wars fan theory that had been put forward before, especially after Rian Johnson, the director of ‘The Last Jedi’, revealed that there will be a scene in the new film that will leave viewers “unable to breathe.”

Johnson never revealed any details about the scene, but fan theories suggest the scene he was talking about is the pivotal point when Rey is tempted by the Dark Side.

Of course, it wouldn’t be an interesting story if the main character was faced with a difficult decision, but might she be tempted?

Well, the new Star Wars: The Last Jedi trailer certainly suggests that she is lost and is seeking for answers to bigger questions.

There is a particular scene within the new trailer that shows Rey speaking to Kylo Ren and asking for guidance. In response, Kylo Ren reaches out his hand as a sign of help.

This could be the scene that Johnson was talking about — the point in which Rey is faced with the decision to join the Dark Side and reach her full potential, or continue with the teachings of the Jedi.

From the Star Wars 40th year anniversary, we know that Luke Skywalker turns out to be a massive disappointment to Rey (this is something Daisy Ridley said herself). So, as Luke may refuse to train her properly and provide her with the answers she desperately wants, it may push her away from the Light and into the Dark.

The devastation this would cause to Luke would be unimaginable, but is he entirely innocent in all of this?

Until we are able to feast our eyes on the full 2 and a half hours of epic sci-fi action, instead of watching snippets in trailers, we will not know the full picture of events. One thing is for sure though, we are in for an epic December!



Michael Monteiro

Former photography student. Keen writing enthusiast. Living in Brazil.