Fully automated delivery system without a single line of code

What will you build if I’ll tell you that there’s no need to code to create a working product?

Published in
4 min readJun 29, 2016



“Steve’s Delivery” is a successful food delivery service, but as demand grows for his service, he is having trouble scaling. Steve automatically receives an email from the order system of the eateries each time a new order is logged. Emails come in different layouts and have a very different presentation of critical order information.

Until now, Steve always had a team member answering the phone, receiving emails orders and manually entering all of the data into a Google Spreadsheet, where they assign the driver to an order for pick-up and delivery to the customer. Steve also needs increased efficiency in the flow of order information to his drivers. Currently, there is a bottleneck with assigning drivers, further hindering growth.


Steve doesn’t want to spend thousands of dollars & months of coding for a custom business app. He also realizes it will be nearly impossible to convince restaurant owners to change their current order system. Steve is looking for a reliable, solution which he can deploy in a couple of days and scale as demand grows.


Steve now uses mailparser.io to extract the information out of emails, where the data is pushed to Google Sheets automatically. The orders that come in via email, with text notes and contact information in the email body, are parsed out following these easy steps. The eateries that send order confirmations via pdf attachment are parsed with the attachment parsing filters.

Through using mailparser.io to parse the incoming orders, Steve is able to push the orders in real time, automatically sending data to his Google Sheets account. He then assigns the driver, saving minutes on each order, and hours each day. These adjustments to his workflow, have allowed Steve to take on new restaurants as clients, and hire more drivers in his plan to capture additional market share for his food delivery service.

Parsing orders from email

Steve made the entire process easier on his drivers too. He doesn’t need to call them anymore. Steve is using Sheetsu.com, to get data from Spreadsheets to his drivers phones immediately.

Drivers can check all their assigned deliveries with one tap. They see all the order information more easily, and can be as efficient as possible on their route. Not only is retrieving order information easier, but completing them is too. Drivers can mark an each order as delivered from the App. Steve can now see live updates in his Google Spreadsheet, thanks to simple API for Google Spreadsheet.

Setup API endpoint for Google Spreadsheet — the easy way

A mailparser.io & Sheetsu.com pairing allows Steve to manage deliveries from one spreadsheet. Steve uses the information extracted from the order confirmations to send his clients a report each week on their usage of his service. Steve provides items ordered, delivery addresses, and bill total, to his clients for use for their own internal analysis. Restaurant owners are raving about this addition to Steve’s Delivery. Clients see their core menu items sold, locations serviced, even the delivery agent. This provides invaluable feedback, enabling the owners to staff accordingly for peak hours, areas to focus marketing efforts, and much more.

Assigning orders from a Google Spreadsheet

What’s next?

Steve’s automated workflow, enabled him to hire more drivers, assign orders to drivers faster, & his drivers are more efficient, as it’s easier for them to get proper data about each order. Business owners get more insight from Steve’s team, and customers are getting accurate orders faster than ever.

In a few short hours of automation work, Steve moved from the Stone Age to the Modern Age.

Drop us an email at team@sheetsu.com. We are happy to talk with you.




CTO @ SmartLunch. One man coding army. Adrenaline addicted.