Talking about code is so much fun — My Desert Code Camp 2018 experienceTalking about code is so much fun.Oct 7, 2018Oct 7, 2018
Obscure Remand Motion May Resolve the ICO Securities Question in the Ripple LitigationHere’s an early update in Coffey v. Ripple. Plaintiff recently filed a motion to remand from federal court back to state court, which may…Jul 8, 2018Jul 8, 2018
Introducing a New Project: A Collection of Legal, Solidity Based Smart Contracts.Smart “contracts” are a misnomer. While they can alter the status of parties to them, smart contracts are not necessarily legally binding…May 9, 2018May 9, 2018
Client-attorney retainer agreement, implemented as a smart contractAs I mentioned yesterday, thought I’d play around with a smart contract implementation of an attorney/client retainer agreement this…Jan 30, 2017Jan 30, 2017