Duke City Cruise Episode 3

Michael Saul
9 min readDec 6, 2019



As seen from the first two(2) Episodes of The Duke City Cruise Series, This episode,along with others are,and of course fictional.They are not even real. All content from Duke City Cruise,is going to be fictional.In real life/reality. This cannot and may,not,happen. Unless such orders are given and moral.


The article contains Affiliate Links as well. Which means,when and IF,you choose to click on the link to own and take home the products, I earn some money,known as a commission. Please feel free to own and take home some products within these links. This shows support to myself,my blogs,including my other Social Media accounts. Here is one of them.

Here is The Tomcat/Turkey that I was using in this episode. It was a Bounty Hunter from The Aerosoft F-14 Extended.
As Usual,you have to select the aircraft/airplane that you want to fly in FSX Free Flight. You will/would also have to select the time,date weather,,airport location,and other things in the free flight section of the game. Top left,no.1,is the aircraft/airplane in this episode.

Secondly,The Episode content is going to be introduced,and of course,mentioned.

This Episode is going to be about an Aerosoft Payware Addon “F-14 Tomcat Extended” ,which had a deadly showdown against “Thrax” from “Osmosis Jones”. The Story of The Tomcat/Turkey is the same,as Miss Molly’s from Episode 1 in The blog articles. Please keep this in mind,The video and Blog Articles will be different because,in either one of them,The Crew members were,not,exactly ready to discuss certain things that they really did. For Example,The Pilot and RIO (Radar Intercept Officer),had a duel/fight against Thrax from Osmosis Jones.

Duel in progress,Thrax is going down.

Thirdly,I will mention some bad times for Health. In order to understand this story,Please put this in an Osmosis Jones Standpoint,Perspective,and/or point of view. This is The reason for making these series. The Spring of 2014 was open season for The bad side of Health. It was open season for Thrax,from “Osmosis Jones” as well. I fell victim to Thrax. He attacked me with Pericarditis,a very rare form of Heart Disease. However,I had to spend my Twentieth (20TH) Birthday at UNM Hospital as a Patient. My stay was nice. But,there are other reasons why I created this episode. Let’s see more and better birthdays,outside,of the institutional setting. This means,especially not,in MDC. The Movie Top Gun and The Grumman F-14 Tomcat/Turkey became my choice of aircraft/airplane ,ever since, I had that Cardiac Event.My cardiac/heart health had become a Threat. It appeared that The Tomcat/Turkey aircraft would be an excellent aide in fighting against the condition Thrax Attacked me with.

The flaps are fully extended,In other words,they are all the way down. All that is left to do,is begin The Take-off phase.
The Pilot and Rio assume their takeoff positions.

Thirdly,What are we fighting for and why? Well,first and foremost in this paragraph,we are fighting for good and better health. This means,we have to get Thrax off the surface of the earth. Why? In retaliation for my Twentieth(20TH) Birthday in The Hospital. And of course,to not spend another Birthday in MDC as an Inmate. The Pilot and RIO(Radio Intercept Officer) are also,fighting for the same things,by giving help,to other people and living things as well. How? By joining “The Fight Against Thrax”as well.

This Tomcat/Turkey was already armed when I selected it for free flight in FSX.

Fourthly,The Flight and Fight. The Aerosoft F-14 Tomcat/Turkey,Has taken off,from The Airport in Duke City. The Pilot and RIO know and understand what they are up against. It is “Thrax“,from “Osmosis Jones”. Me and the cockpit crew of this Tomcat/Turkey are fans of the media piece, Osmosis Jones. One thing Thrax did,was try to kill/murder a girl’s Father. However,Thrax failed at that. How? Osmosis Jones did what he could, by throwing Thrax into a Beaker of Rubbing Alcohol,as seen in the Movie,”Osmosis Jones”. In this case,it is a fighter/fleet interceptor versus (vs.)Thrax,Doing the same thing. As the Tomcat/Turkey approaches the combat area,the showdown against Thrax begins. The Pilot and RIO adjust accordingly. Then,an AIM-54 Phoenix was launched in the direction of Thrax. As the missile sped towards Thrax,he attempted to retaliate. In other words attempt to fight back. However,he failed. That is a good thing,because of the wrongs he had done whilst roaming Earth’s Surface.Direct hit! Even more AIM-54 Phoenix Missiles are being fired/launched at Thrax as well. Let’s see how good he is,says the Pilot and RIO. The Pilot and RIO did so. They did it by showing their Tomcat/Turkey’s movements to Thrax. “Oops. You blew him”. said both the Pilot and RIO. Then from there,They said this along about Thrax. Somewhere along these stanzas/lines. “I AM GOING TO KILL HIM (THRAX) NOW”! Him in this case,means/refers to Thrax. Endgame for Thrax,Has begun now! The last of the AIM-54 Phoenix Missiles were being fired/launched at the bad/evil Thrax figure. The last of the Phoenix Missiles go ahead,scream and speed towards Thrax,like warriors in battle. And now,THRAX IS HIT!!! “That was for so and so”,says the Pilot and RIO. The next thing the Pilot and RIO do,is cruise around duke city. They go to various Mountains that they absolutely love. Including the Sandia Mountain Range ,both North And South. There were a few spots in the Mountains and other areas where the Tomcat/Turkey had touched down. However,the crash settings in this session of FSX are/were turned off. When and IF they are/were turned on,the crash would have ended the game. I would of course,need to start the game/gaming session all over again.due to the fact that a crash means game over.

Fifthly,Here is the The Aftermath and debriefing of the flying duel/fight against Thrax. Just after a deadly showdown against an infamous/notorious villain from “Osmosis Jones”,which also did some wrong to others. Thrax is dead. This story is about a set of a Bounty Hunter Tomcat/Turkey crew versus(vs.) that villain. This story is from their standpoint,perspective/point of view. What did the Cockpit Crew of this Tomcat/Turkey do differently,as opposed to Miss Molly? Not very much. Except for climbing higher and help hold the area down,in order to keep Thrax from going towards the properties of the following place. The Coronado Airport(4AC),and The Balloon Fiesta Park. In other words,These cockpit crew members,did more patrolling. However,they did fight. They just went to a certain altitude,did certain things,such as firing/launching certain weapons, and of course,other fly certain movements/maneuvers in order to help keep Thrax under control. Which They did.Thrax could not go anywhere due to the fact the he was blocked by these Pilots and RIO’s. Duing the landing phase of this Tomcat/Turkey’s flight,the cockpit crew had difficulty landing and had to find other runways until,they could land.This means that they had to look all over Duke City’s International Sunport for runways by going around and around it a repeated number of times. Finally,they found a runway. It was runway 17(One Seven) Please see the video. If there is anything I can improve such as, adding better screenshots,pictures/photographs,please let me know.

Sixthly,here is a photo gallery.

Here is The video for Episode 3,Please Enjoy it.

To Rob Miller and Steven Beeckman. I wrote this for your Flight Simulation Articles.



Michael Saul

I am an enthusiast of the following categories. Aviation,Health,Safety,Maritime,Military,Pets,and Animals. Most of my writing is going to be about those items.