Michael Saul
11 min readDec 9, 2019

Duke City Cruise Episode 4

TacPack from VRS Simulations works for me now. I figured it out,and it works. Especially in this Episode.

Here is an Aerosoft F-14 Tomcat/Turkey heading for the area to duel/ fight against Thrax,and other villains.

First and Foremost. Let’s face it,it does take time to figure something out,in order for it to work.That was the case of this Episode. I said I was going to use TacPack,and now,I am using it. The addon from VRS Simulations is functional.That is the case of Duke City Cruise Episode Four(4). I purchased another set of downloads for my VRS TacPack and chose to use it. After programming the correct buttons to the desired settings for my Sidewinder Joystick,the TacPack worked. I was,in fact,able to fire weapons. Especially in a Duel Against Thrax. That was the case for this Pilot And RIO. They will be dueling/fighting against the usual enemies,mostly from Osmosis Jones.

The aircraft/airplane for this flight/episode is the Second one,top left.

Secondly,Some Truth and The Flight briefing . As I Introduce you to this Paragraph. I will do it with some truth. Please note,I am,not,a real fighter pilot. However,I will explain on how I was able to make this episode happen. I have been in Civil Air Patrol for Niner (9er) years since I made this article. I had taken my education and training development form that program,along with other activities I do,very seriously,and this is where I ended up. I had even observed Military in the media,such as stock footage,of Turkey/Tomcat Pilots and RIOs on what they do, in order to fly. And now, the Flight Briefing. As usual in Duke City cruise Season 1,I was acting as A Pilot and RIO (Radar/Radio Intercept Officer)in an Aerosoft Payware addon of The Tomcat Extended Add On. The Flight and Fight is still against Thrax from Osmosis Jones.However,it will be from This Pilot and RIO,as seen from the screenshot,picture/photograph. TacPack was used. After some tinkering with the VRS Tacpack,such as setting my Sidewinder Joystick commands,I was able to fire some weapons.They went against Thrax. In fact,My first weapon from TacPack was an AIM_54 Phoenix. It happened after trying it in this flight. Therefore,yes,It is in fact possible to use Tacpac for any,all,each and ever aircraft/airplane in FSX. However,you need Tacpack powered add-ons,such as the Aerosoft F-14 Extended. The Only thing you need to do in order to make Tacpack work is,program your keyboard and/or joystick to your desired settings. For Me,I went ahead and used Joystick Button Numbers for the following. Zero(0) for the firing trigger,and 6 for the pickle. Please note,I do not really know what pickle in Tacpack is. IF you,someone and/or somebody else knows,please comment.That would be nice. As the briefing closed,here is what happened.The Pilot and RIO were briefed as usual,before flying. Here is how it went.In this flight,we will fly to The Northeast Heights In Albuquerque,New Mexico,where Thrax is. Then from there we will fight against him,cruise around Duke City for a bit,and then Return To Base. The aircraft/airplane is armed with Six (6) AIM-54 Phoenix Missiles along with Two (2)AIM-9 Sidewinder Missiles. The only thing the Pilot and RIO need to do for this flight,is find Thrax and help put him under control,the same way the other Tomcat/Turkeys are doing it.

Left: zoomed out view of the AIM-54 and AIM-9. Right: zoomed in view of this Missiles. The AIM-54 Phoenix and AIM-9 Sidewinder Missiles are the usual choice for when and IF,I go fly the Tomcat/Turkey.
Heading to go Fight /Duel Against Thrax.
These are the settings that I was using for Tacpack.

Thirdly,the fight and flight against Thrax,from this Tomcat/Turkey. The actual fight/flight is in progress. The crew of this particular Tomcat/Turkey,now needs,to take to the air,fly to and fight against Thrax. After Briefing, Pre-Flight Re-Arming,and Taxi phase,The crew of this Aircraft/airplane must now take off from the Airport in Duke City. It is the same airport in the first 3(Three) episodes. The Albuquerque International Sunport. As the pilot,lowered the flaps and pushed the Throttles forward,The Tomcat/Turkey gained a lot of speed,just like it would on an Aircraft Carrier. However,it was just a conventional land airport/runway the takeoff was taking place on. Halfway down the runway,the pilot pulls up on the stick and raises the landing gear undercarriage. Eventually,the flaps would be raised as well. The wings,are programmed automatically to sweep as desired by the pilot. in other words,the way he wanted them to sweep. Originally being designed as a fleet interceptor in real life,The Pilot and RIO’s of the Tomcats/Turkeys of this mission described Thrax as a threat who absolutely deserved to be met by such aircraft/airplanes. As the once meant to be fleet interceptors,including the one mentioned in this story,approach the fighting areas,the pilots and RIOs go ahead and switch to Master ARM ON. The weapons are selected accordingly to the Cockpit Crew members desired settings. In other words,most of them wanted to fire AIM-54 Phoenix Missiles,while others wanted just to shoot guns. It will turn out to be a success,with the ways the mission was planned. How? as usual,knowing Thrax and his bad/evil tactics as seen in “Osmosis Jones”. During the briefing,similar lines/stanzas were made about Thrax’s Tactics about doing something bad/evil to Duke City. However,The Pilots and Rios had chosen to stop Thrax from doing so,by flying this mission.

Fourthly,The fight/duel against Thrax is carried out. as The Pilots and Rios approach the area to fight against Thrax,they make sure that their Master ARM Switch is turned on. Which it was. All that was left to do,approach and fight against Thrax. Plus,Give Thrax a taste of his own medicine. In other words,How about we give you a taste of what you did in Osmosis Jones with wherever you are now?In this case,he was in The Northeast Heights in Duke City. As the Tomcats/Turkeys approached The Coronado Airport and Balloon Fiesta Park,they went ahead and fired their weapons at the location of Thrax. However,the aircraft/airplanes did this by the actions of their Cockpit Crew Members.This means that the Pilots had to fly their Tomcats/Turkeys into position,while The RIOs armed and fired the weapons accordingly,just like the pilots did as well. All weapons were fired at once. This means that a lot of Bullets,Missiles,TARPS,Etc,went in Thrax’s Direction. From my standpoint,perspective/point of view,which was at home on my computer,I pressed/squeezed the trigger button and Phoenix Missiles went in Thrax’s direction.However,I even had to program my weapons system to The AIM-54 Phoenix Missile. It is similar to some scenes in the movie “Top Gun” saying,too close for missiles,so I am switching to guns. Which I did as well. But,that was later in the fight/flight though. I did the reverse,by switching to Missiles. I programed to A/A(Air To Air),and then fired my AIM-54 Phoenix Missiles,and eventually,AIM-9 Sidewinder Missiles. It seems as though,my first weapon fired on FSX using TacPack,was The AIM-54 Phoenix. The Tomcat/Turkey has a very noisy Cockpit as well. It makes noise when missiles are fired. This means,once the (Phoenix) Missile(s) were fired,there is/was a sound in the cockpit,stating that the missiles had been fired. It sounds almost like a digital telephone ringing.The HUD (Heads Up Display) shows and tells you what weapons were fired/launched,and it even displays the quantity left. For Example,I fired 2 Phoenix Missiles. The HUD would say,PHX-4. This means that I would only have Four(4) AIM-54 Phoenix Missiles left. After firing the Missiles,especially the AIM-54 Phoenix,The Aircraft/Airplane is now asymmetrically balanced. The Pilot had to,balance out the Tomcat/Turkey somehow,by using his stick and rudder pedals to reposition for another attack on Thrax. Which the pilot did. The pilot went ahead and fired the rest of his missiles in the Direction of Thrax. All that was left,finish him off with guns. As the pilot repositions the Tomcat/Turkey,the guns are fired. “FINISH HIM OFF!!!” Says the Pilots and RIOS,somewhere along those lines/stanzas. The Pilots and RIOs did so. They finished Thrax off with whatever ordnance/weapons were left. In this episode,the Pilot and RIO were left with their guns. As the ordnance/weapons reached Thrax,they do their things,meaning that they go ahead and kill Thrax. What this results in,Thrax received a Taste of His Own Medicine.

Fifthly,The aftermath. I like to read some fiction as well. The fiction is mostly of aircraft,military,and maritime. This is another reason why I made The Duke City Cruise series. It is because,I like these Authors’ works and I want to make some stories of my own. However,I would not exactly copy what the authors wrote,mainly because,I want to make my own stories. The reason being,I would not want to exactly copy their works. I just want to add some twists and flavors of my own. In this case, make a story on how I fought against Thrax,by still living,as written in this story. Thrax is a very major villain that is going to be mentioned in the Duke City Cruise Series. He most certainly is not the main villain because, there are other villains in Osmosis Jones as well,that were being fought against. The crew found their names in this Episode. They would be Mayor Phlemming,Scabies,Kidney Rock,and of course,Professor Nightmare. All these villains had done bad/evil things to our health. In the Duke City cruise series,I have chosen to make such stories like this,as a way of saying,Osmosis Jones and the good characters helped save me somehow. Thrax is discussed the most,due to his high level of prominence in being the main Villain in Osmosis Jones. One of the things Thrax did to me,as most of you probably know,was cause me a cardiac event. This is how he was stopped.He was going to be stopped,by all kinds of Aircraft/Airplanes,before he even approaches his other desired targets.In other words,Thrax is only going to go so far,but he will,not,succeed in his plot(s). However,some areas in The Northeast heights were left alone by Thrax,such as the Balloon Fiesta Park and Coronado Airport(4AC),which in my fictional world,is also an airport that I use to go flying as well.

I had flown this Tomcat/Turkey before. One of the flights was flown,without any Missiles,as seen in the screenshot picture/photograph.

Sixthly,Here is The debriefing of Duke City Cruise Episode Four (4). The flight lasted a total of Twenty (20) minutes. The Pilot and RIO fought well against Thrax. I was acting as the Pilot Mostly. During The Flight,as usual,I came across Duke City directly below me,passing by.The movement did not feel very fast,due to the fact that I was in The Cockpit. The Pilot’s Position. As the Pilot and RIO,approached the fighting area,The A/A(Air To Air) mode had to be activated. The A/A mode was clicked on,for it to work. As the A/A mode was clicked,the Front Stick in The Pilots’ Cockpit Disappeared. The RIOs’ Stick,however,remained as it was.Fully visible,it did not disappear like the Pilots’ Stick. In order to get the Pilots’ Stick back,Just click on another mode for example A/G(Air To Ground),It comes back. Press Shift 3 and make the panel bigger,wider,and/or adjust the size accordingly,in order to make these things happen. During the fight/duel against Thrax and The Other Osmosis Jones Villains,AIM-54 Phoenix Missiles were fired/launched,along with AIM-9 Sidewinder Missiles,Guns,and TARPS from other Tomcats/Turkeys. In this aircraft/airplane,The AIM-54 Phoenix missiles made it successfully to their targets,right where Thrax and the other villains were causing trouble. A little bit of asymmetrical balance had taken place,after launching the AIM-54 Phoenix Missiles. That was corrected after,launching the rest at Thrax and the other Villains. The Missiles,including the AIM-9 Sidewinders went to their targets and successfully hit them. Even though Thrax and the other Evil Characters were in The Sandia Casino Area. Others were in various locations in Duke City,usually in the Northeast Heights. Other targets hit,were places,used for hiding the items these villains were using. Just like that of “Dr.T” (Doctor Terror) from Boom Beach. As The villains fought back,they only got so far,just a few spores at the intakes,but they melted away. They should not cause a problem. In other words,it’s time for this Tomcat/Turkey in This Episode to be washed as well. Both Pilot and Rio survived,They returned to base unscathed,meaning that they were neither hurt and/or killed. After the duel/fight against Thrax,The cockpit crew of this Tomcat/Turkey,went ahead and flew around Duke City for a while and chose to land at the Main Airport,in Duke City. The Flight was good. What could have been better,not climb too high during takeoff,unless absolutely necessary. Which of course,did happen. The landing was good.what could have been better? A softer landing. The duel during the flight could have been better by firing the heavy ordnance/ weapons e accordingly. In this episode , it means,fire The AIM-54 Phoenix Missiles simultaneously,in this case,it is at Thrax. IF done so, An asymmetrical balance would not have happened. In other words,I could have,would,have and should have pressed pressed the firing button on my joystick until almost half,of my AIM-54 Phoenix Missiles were launched at Thrax. Since I was new to TacPack in this Story,I will use what could be done better during my next flight with the Tomcat/Turkey. Including The Duke City Cruise Series.

Seventhly,Here is a gallery.

This Orbit Airlines CRJ-700 is heading for Double Eagle II Airport (KAEG) in Duke City. The Aircraft and people aboard it,are friendly.
Two(2) AIM-54 Phoenix Missiles speed towards their targets,Osmosis Jones Villains,along with other Villains.
An AIM-54 Phoenix is about to hit a Cessna 208B Grand Caravan,suspected of carrying some evil crew members, including freight.
Landing after The Duel/Fight Against Thrax and other villains,including the ones from Osmosis Jones.
An unmarked Boeing 747–400 was found on the Air Traffic List. Just like the Air Traffic optionin FSX.
Here is an impact zone of an AIM-54 Phoenix. In either one of these snapshots,pictures/photographs,The villains,including Thrax are dead.
Both Left and Right: Just about ready to fight against Thrax and the other villains. It is,not,long now.
Left: An AIM-54 Phoenix Missile has hit a spot where The Villains,including the ones from Osmosis Jones were convening. Right: A zoomed in view of EL Dorado High School. This was used with Newport Simulations Albuquerque for FSX.
Left: The Schools I had attended with APS (Albuquerque Public Schools) are marked with the following number. 1,2,and 3. No.1,is S.Y. Jyckson Elementary School.No.2 ,is Eisenhower Middle School. No.3, is El Dorado High School. Right: Can you guess where I went to school with APS?

To Rob Miller and Steven Beeckman, here is yet another episode to help grow the Aviation and Flight Simulation community.

These Episodes are in Chronological Order. Please refer to the first three(3) episodes,if you have not already.

Here is a video of Duke City Cruise Episode 4.

A version,with,commentary. Is of course,available.

Michael Saul

I am an enthusiast of the following categories. Aviation,Health,Safety,Maritime,Military,Pets,and Animals. Most of my writing is going to be about those items.