Introduction to Solidity

Michael Smith
2 min readFeb 28, 2018


Solidity is a high-level programming language, which is designed to work with the Blockchain technology . More specifically speaking, Solidity is designed to develop Smart Contracts in Ethereum Blockchain platform. So before going to solidity in detail let us examine the basics of Smart Contracts.

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Smart Contracts

A contract in the sense of Solidity is a collection of code (its functions) and data (its state) that resides at a specific address on the Ethereum Blockchain. In each Contract, we can define State Variables, Methods, and Events etc. This contract can manage transactions between blocks in Blockchain network. Each block has a particular address in the form of a cryptographic key that generated by the result of some functions including hashing of adjacent blocks. This creates a strong relationship between adjacent blocks. So that manipulation or any other form of hacking in nodes or blocks are not easy or not even possible.

Solidity is one of the many languages that can be used to develop EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) understandable bytecode. There are many built-in classes and Libraries in Solidity which support hassle free smart contract development. You can use the IDEs like Remix, Visual Studio (With Solidity extension), Ether atom, IntelliJ IDEA plugin ( both with Solidity extension) to develop.

Following are some of the features of solidity which are very similar to common high-level languages like Java and C++.

Statically typed Language

Though it is having a structure of JavaScript, unlike JavaScript it is a Statically Typed language. For example, you must declare the type of a variable like in C++ and Java before it is used. Otherwise, a compile-time error will be generated

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