Apple Was 100% RIGHT to Shut Down Beeper Mini

iMessage for Android would be great — if done right. This wasn’t it.

Michael Swengel
6 min readDec 14, 2023
Created by the author via Canva

In a turn that is sure to make some question my sanity, I believe Apple was absolutely right to block attempts by Beeper to bring iMessage to Android. Not because iMessage on Android would be bad but because how Beeper tried to operate wasn’t exactly okay in my book.

Beeper’s blog is adamant that “Android and iPhone customers desperately want to be able to chat together with high quality images/video, encryption, emojis, typing status, read receipts, and all modern chat features.”

iMessage provides these features — just not to Android phones. Beeper’s solution? Bring iMessage to Android!

The problem, though, lies in the execution.

iMessage is intended to be used with Apple devices — iPhones, iPads, Macs, and Apple Watch. It is not intended to be used by or to be made available to Android or Android devices.

And in order to make iMessage work, Beeper needs to trick the system.

What is Beeper Mini?

Beeper Mini is an Android app designed make any Android phone work with iMessage by sending messages via a reverse engineered iMessage protocol to Apple.

