Is Using AI to Write Morally Wrong?

It’s a question we need to start asking.

Michael Swengel
9 min readJul 27, 2022
Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

Artificial intelligence is nothing new, but in the past few years, we’ve seen more and more impressive advances. Now, artificial intelligence can be leveraged to write content that sounds almost human — and in some cases it can produce results that are nearly impossible to distinguish from content generated by real human authors. Using AI to write is becoming more and more common due to the increasing popularity of several tools.

While man has been using technology to make his work easier since the dawn of time, and there’s nothing inherently wrong with this, using artificial intelligence to write does pose some interesting moral dilemmas that I believe we as writers — and as a society as a whole — will need to address.

Artificial intelligence is not going away.

Just like the invention of the automobile or the lightbulb, artificial intelligence is set to revolutionize how we work, live and play. Artificial intelligence has brought with it a whole new level of convenience and accessibility.

Artificial intelligence is already being used in many sectors including but not limited manufacturing, health care, education, design, programming, retail, and transportation. As it is more and more…



Michael Swengel

11+ years experience working in the IT field. Loves writing about Apple, Artificial Intelligence, Microsoft and other relevant tech and productivity topics.