Michael Yezerski
Michael Yezerski

Michael Yezerski’s musical works are highly evocative, original and diverse. From the symphonic grittiness of David Ayer’s THE TAX COLLECTOR to the quiet drama of BLINDSPOTTING; from the avant-garde horror drones of Sean Byrne’s THE DEVIL’S CANDY to Elissa Down’s heartfelt FEEL THE BEAT and THE BLACK BALLOON; Michael brings a signature musical intensity to every project he takes on. Hailing originally from Australia, and with a background in both contemporary concert music and electronic music production, Michael blends styles and influences in a way that pushes the boundaries of what dramatic film music can be. Rich in technique and sitting comfortably at the border with avant-garde music design, Michael’s work is nevertheless fundamentally human and melodic at its core. Born in Sydney, Michael is a multiple award-winning composer who creates music that is shaped from the perspective of an outsider – constantly fluid, ever changing, unbound by system – curious and always evolving. His recent collaboration with Ambrose Akinmusire on BLINDSPOTTING (Starz 2021) reflects this. The music dances across styles in a seamless blend of choreography, drama and comedy that draws on deep emotional experience. Michael pushed the boundaries of horror in Keith Thomas’ claustrophobic masterful debut THE VIGIL – a hybrid score that was as terrifying as it was emotional. He has received acclaim for his work on the hit series MR INBETWEEN and the Stephen Dorff starrer DEPUTY for FOX / Cedar Park. Earlier career highlights include HBO’s ONLY THE DEAD SEE THE END OF WAR, his first feature film THE BLACK BALLOON (winner of 8 AFI/AACTA Awards including Best Picture), PJ Hogan’s MENTAL, WOLF CREEK SERIES 2, CATCHING MILAT, PETER ALLEN, the Academy Award winning animated short, THE LOST THING and his collaboration with Richard Tognetti and the Australian Chamber Orchestra, THE RED TREE. Michael works from Los Angeles and Sydney.

Medium member since July 2020
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Michael Yezerski

Michael Yezerski

Michael Yezerski is an Australian composer living and working in Los Angeles.