Thousands of Clergy Members Support Science in Their Efforts to Create a Better World

Michael Zimmerman
3 min readAug 22, 2018

From Baptists to Buddhists, Roman Catholics to Rabbis, and from mainline Protestants to Unitarian Universalists the number of clergy stepping up to make it clear that religion and all facets of science need not be in conflict is exploding. Indeed, more than 16,000 clergy members have now joined The Clergy Letter Project, a grass roots organization designed to demonstrate this point.

These 16,000 clergy members from a wide array of religious traditions argue forcefully that evolution must be taught in our public school science classrooms and laboratories while all forms of creationism must be banned from such settings.

These 16,000 clergy members representing every state in the Union understand that both their religious convictions and evolution teach them that racism, White Supremacy, homophobia and Islamophobia are wrong and must be combated.

These 16,000 clergy members representing some of the largest cathedrals in our country and some of our smallest parishes are adamant in their belief, a belief based equally in their faith and in science, that the natural world needs to be protected and preserved.

These 16,000 clergy members representing many of the ethnicities of the world recognize that religious teaching and…



Michael Zimmerman

Founder and executive director of The Clergy Letter Project, Ph.D. in ecology, promoter of the liberal arts, long-time academic administrator