Change Your Surroundings For A Better Life Experience

Here’s how small shifts in lifestyle can bring great results in overcoming complacency

Michal Bernolak
5 min readJan 4, 2020

I used to sit in my office believing the story I’d been fed of how life ought to be lived out. I thought that if I gritted my teeth and continued the same routine for years, I’d be the version of success that society wanted me to be.

I believed that doing the same thing in the same place over and over again was how I was supposed to live out my short life on earth. I didn’t realize that I wasn’t obligated to settle for anything less than my ideal version of happiness and an experience I truly wanted to live.

Just because working at a bank was a good job didn’t mean it was a good job for me and who I wanted to become. Complacency grows when everyone around is telling you that you have a great job and that you should stick to it even though it doesn’t seem right to you.

How complacency destroys dreams

The hardest veil to lift from your eyes is the veil of complacency. We become complacent when we think we have it good based on what everyone else tells us is right, or what lures us into a sense of stability “for now.”



Michal Bernolak

In the process of self discovery. I learned to write for over a year, but am now learning to code.