Why I’ll Never Wait For Success Ever Again

Don’t make the same mistake I did.

Michal Bernolak
4 min readAug 20, 2019
Photo by NordWood Themes on Unsplash

To be clear, I enjoyed waiting for success. I had lots of time to spare. I used to think that doing <insert activity here> only once or twice per week was real progress.

I started working on a website, I was learning how to write my first articles, and I was making music on the side. There was no set plan or schedule. I kept working on and off in hopes that things would eventually sort themselves out.

When I thought I was making lots of progress, I wasn’t. It was nice, though. I felt a bit accomplished. I would tell my friends and family about my grand plans and how I was working on them.

Doing these activities once or twice a week gave me, what I thought was, a good excuse to binge-watch Netflix and party every weekend. I was what some would call “waiting on success.” I had plenty of time to waste time — lovely.

But I’m never going to do that again. Ever.

It took a few years, but eventually, something clicked. I spoke with a mentor, and they helped me change everything. I went from working on things once a week to every single day.

Here’s why I’ll never go back.

You think you’re making progress…



Michal Bernolak

In the process of self discovery. I learned to write for over a year, but am now learning to code.