Anchors in Time

Michal Korzonek
3 min readMay 28, 2021

(As they cross over a highway, she notices that he stopped walking.)

- What are you looking at? (She asks.)
- Highways always had a special significance for me.

(He keeps looking at the constant flow of passing cars).

- I became the person who I am today because of them.
- What do you mean?
- I always wanted to travel, but my family had little money. So the only way for me to go to far places was to hitchhike. Highways gave me the freedom to travel, and traveling guided me to find myself.
- Do you still associate them with this feeling of freedom?

(He continues to look.)

- Yes and no. There’s an old part of me which connects with this particular feeling of openness that traveling always brought me. It’s kind of like an anchor in my past, holding all the precious moments and connections that happened. And now, this very moment is also connected to it somehow. But also, I can’t help but hear the noise and feel the heaviness of fumes in the air. And this shows me that I have changed.
- In what way?
- I’m still seeking adventures, but I’d rather move by foot, bicycle or sailboat.
- I can understand that. An experience you’re having right now brought up and old feeling, which is still *anchored* inside of of you and…

