How Much Time do You Have Left?

Time as a currency, or how to become rich.

Michal Korzonek
9 min readMay 8, 2018
Photo by Kevin on Unsplash

There is an infinite amount of activities we could–and probably would love to–fill our lives with: playing golf for hours on end, going on an extended vacation with our lover, reading, knitting, sailing… whatever floats your boat, you have probably dreamed of dedicating larger chunks of your life to it.

Sadly, the amount of time we have at our disposal is not unlimited.

As human beings we are confined to certain physiological and social obligations. We need to eat and sleep. We function within a society which requires us to adapt to certain norms, such as taking time to wash ourselves, respectfully standing in queues, or attending particular events–even if we’d rather be somewhere else.

On top of all that, we all have relationships that likely require quite a lot of our time and energy. Not to mention work and education, which take a significant bite of our life before we even manage to start pursuing our dreams. In order to remain healthy, we spend hours working out at the gym (or, if we are less lucky, visiting doctors and hospitals).

There are also spontaneous impulses and cravings, as well as lazy afternoons, hungover mornings, and dark days when we do not want to come out from our own safe shell. Finally, there…

