
Michal Korzonek
4 min readMay 28, 2021

He sits on a rock, alone this time, looking at the Ocean. The wind caresses his face. The waves soothe his mind.

Yet, he’s not at peace.

- What am I feeling? — He asks himself out loud. And the answer comes.
- It’s me. — Says Fear softly, finally surfacing into his awareness. — I’ve been with you for a while. Thank you for noticing me.

Fear makes itself comfortable.

- It’s strange to have you here with me. — He says. — But I’m glad you’re here.
- Do you know why I came?

He smiles.

- You’re a reminder.
- What am I reminding you of?
- I’m not sure how to put it into words. But since you’re a part of me, I know that I don’t have to.

Fear smiles back.

- Would you like me to tell you?
- Sure, go ahead.
- I’m a reminder of everything you are afraid of.
- It’s a long list.
- Length is not the point.
- What is the point, then?
- I think you already know the answer.

He takes a breath.

