Create your own generic functional builders

Kotlin Builder Inference Explained

Michal Ankiersztajn
3 min readJun 19, 2024

Almost always, when working in a very generic environment, you’ll need to use some type of Builder , luckily Kotlin supports such Builders through inference.

What is Inference?

Inference — it’s how the compiler gets to know the type through logic. Let’s say you want to build a List of type String . You’re able to do it like this:

fun main() {
// If you turn on local variable type hints
// you'll see that list is of type List<String>
val list = buildList {

The compiler knows it’s type String because it infers based on the items that are added to the List .

It’s even smart enough that if you make some mistake, it’ll change the type accordingly. Let’s say you added an Int by mistake:

fun main() {
// Now list is of type List<Comparable<*> & Serializable>
val list = buildList {

It’s able to find all subtypes and change the type to the most common subtype (in our case, it’s a Comparable<*> & Serializable). If you were to add a custom class that doesn’t implement anything, it would turn into Any :

fun main() {
// Now list is of type List<Any>
val list = buildList {

That happens because every class in Kotlin implement Any by default (more on that here). In short, it’s a class at the top of the hierarchy.

“Build” your own Builder

Let’s say you need to store some data, and you want to provide a very generic access to it. It’ll be best to write a Builder that uses inference in that case. Let’s say you want your List to always get randomly reordered on item add. For that, you’ll build RandomList<T> :

class RandomList<T> {
private val list = mutableListOf<T>()

val items get() = list.toList()

fun add(item: T) {

Now, we need a builder for our RandomList<T> :

inline fun <T> buildRandomList(builder: RandomList<T>.() -> Unit) =

First of all, your Builder should be a function, an inline function (more on that here), in short, inline reduces the amount of allocations needed to handle lambdas.

Then all it does is apply in a conventional way all the instructions given to it. Here’s how you can use it:

fun main() {
// RandomList<String>
val list = buildRandomList {

You’re now able to build Builders using Inference in Kotlin! And use it better for standard library types :)

In the real system, it’s best to just implement List interface, but it serves well for this simple example.

Thanks for reading! Please follow me if you’ve learned something new!

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Michal Ankiersztajn

Android/Kotlin Developer & Applied Computer Science Engineer