Michael Price
2 min readAug 5, 2017


“ Everything you said reeks of it.”
So nothing specific then.

“ If you can’t accept why a Black person might fear going into an all white environment based on the context of an entire nation built on racist ideology, then you are either ignorant, racist yourself, or both.”
I can accept that a black person could be racist in that way, sure. I just can’t accept that it’s a reasonable attitude to take. The “context” is that racial violence is pretty damn rare nowdays. The context is that anyone who said the same thing but with races reversed would be pilloried, rightly I might add.

“ It’s awfully convenient to just put Ijeoma’s comment down to racism, because then you don’t have to examine your own attitudes.”

It’s not my attitudes that are actually in question. She made the racist comments, not me. If I had said “Lots of black people here, I hope I manage to get out.” that would be racist yes? So how is it different if she says the same thing, only with race reversed?

“ In victimizing yourself and other white people, conveniently you silence the discussion and you silence the voices of PoC who need to talk about their experiences.”
I’m not silencing anyone, they can be racist all they want, I’m just calling them on it.

“ I was not uncomfortable walking into black occupied spaces as the white girlfriend or friend of a black man,”
You’re only racist against your own race that’s, umm… good?

“ but I was afraid of other white people who might racially abuse one or both of us.”
That you were afraid is not evidence that you should be. You are being openly racist here.

“ And I felt the denial from white people who didn’t want to admit any culpability or challenge the attitudes in their own communities,”
What did I deny? I didn’t deny that your society was racist. I simply said that racial violence is not exactly rampant and that fearing it is irrational, which is true.

“ even if they themselves were not the kind of people who would outwardly act racist.”
Or indeed show any evidence of racism at all.

“ No, much easier to cry victim from the other side.”

Ok again she was racist. Now either be OK with my alleged racism or condemn hers. You have to do one or the other. If I’m in a situation where racist comments can be made about me but not about the person who makes them, then yeah kinda the victim here. Not a big one, I don’t really care about the ignorant racist fool of an OP, but still technically yeah the victim. And you’re not even going to TRY to show I’m not. Just like you didn’t show that I was racist.

