Is sub-sequence | Rust

Micheal Keines
2 min readOct 2, 2021

Write a function that validates if a sub-sequence exists in the main array

A sub-sequence is formed by elements that are in same order but may not be adjacent to each other.


we have to go through every element in the main array thus, the Time complexity will be O(n) and Space O(1)

Rust code

Code available here

With i as the index for sub-seq array, we will traverse through the main array, if current element in main array arr[i] == current (sub-seq[i]), we will increment the i value. thus, if we were to find the actual sequence in the main array the final count of i will be equal to the length of the sub-sequence array.

Additionally, we will check if ( i == length of sub-sequence) in the beginning of every iteration and if the iteration is over and i != length return False


