No One Really Tells You The Hardest Part Of Travelling.

Michele Francini
4 min readJul 22, 2023


I would like to begin by saying that I started “dreaming” again in 2014, and maybe just when I had some results, I gave up.

Not that I’m someone, but I wanted to see the world from another perspective, from a point of view outside all this “sick progress & consumerism”.

I found it interesting how things, even the most complicated, are the same as they used to be, with a “modern” meaning.

Picture by me.

“New terms, new toys”.

Fascinating on the one hand, while utter madness on the other. Depressing, discouraging.

Absolutely, I’m not one to praise myself but for the points of view I’ve experienced it takes great willpower, where I have often failed.

I’ve start traveling since 2018, Israel, Tel Aviv, Rome, Portsmouth, London, but for the latter, Greece.

Arriving at Thessaloniki airport, I had a special welcome with one of those paper signs made by my girlfriend, ah well, sorry, Let’s start over, where it all began.

London, November 2022.

I was working as a bartender for this French inspired English franchise (Nope, nothing to do with cooking in general), and luckily for me I was working in this bar with this beautiful girl who eventually became my girlfriend.

It didn’t take us long to get together, precisely for Christmas Eve, obviously at work. After work.

All in order until February 2023, after a few quarrels, and May ‘23.

She decided to make the season in Greece, to date in hindsight, a suicide.

Already in itself, working in catering is “mental suicide withdrawal”, but in Greece, you don’t have to worry about withdrawal.

The fact is that since we’ve been here in Greece we’ve found a job for this five-star resort, <<which, after all, is not five stars>>.


A trauma! I have about four years of experience in catering, not a myth but I have got a very clear and precise idea (like many kids of my age, past and later, everything regular, study and work), and if Bon ton does not respect the laws of good manners at the table, perhaps on the side he should go to work in a fifty-star hotel to understand what catering is. A factory nowadays, but I’ll tell you something else about this in the next article that I’ll link here.

And to be honest, I don’t feel like staying in the restaurant anymore, too much stress about nothing.

Picture by me.


Right now we’re on our way back, destination Thessaloniki on a bus that can barely stand up, forty minutes on a flat road and a beautiful landscape.

Actually the destination is the airport (SKG). We don’t have a big budget to get back to, equal to zero, but we can do it, hostel in London, immediately find a job and carpe diem, in thirty days we should be able to turn the situation around.

My <<Not that it’s someone>>, was a missed wish, like when you feel like saying, “I would just like to disappear”, for everyone, without exception, Work, Relatives, friends.

To disappear.

Found myself in Greece, by someone else’s decision who in the end found himself in difficulty, I decided to stay, even if a small part of me regretted not having waited on the other side, perhaps much easier for her too, but unfounded, what is love if you are not the first to give or do?

I’m angry with myself, maybe I’m not even good at writing, but the point is that I can write what I think, the way I like it, it’s also fine with some judgment because I should have and would also like to talk to someone, know what they think, and/or what they would have done in my place.

Up to here, <<a lot of talk and few words>>, but I would like to remind everyone, first of all, to think about the local even if only for five minutes, optimize yourself, both on the web and in real life, also think a little about yourself because now I’ve found myself at zero.

Maybe it’s true that if you think about yourself first, you can help others, but maybe it’s also true that if you don’t put yourself in other people’s shoes, sharing the situation and helping each other, you don’t live and you have no reason to choose the other.

Now I wonder what all this was for.

Certainly having found the desire to write again, without many fears and insecurities.

It’s just a draft and I would like to say that there is always someone who accompanies you when you travel, whether it’s curiosity or need, you can always rely on one of them, you know what I mean?



Michele Francini

Understanding though Psychology (Dark). Support me on IG @understandinai [DM] to discuss and understand the path.