The Power of Flexibility

Cristiana Casadio for Body Activation

Staying flexible is the key to longevity, not just in terms of the body, but also in mind and spirit. As we create more space in the body, we become more open mentally as well. Through flexibility we create a juiciness which allows us to become more adaptable, open, accepting, and spontaneous. This is something we can enjoy at any age, and it is the key to leading a healthy, happy, and balanced life.

When we are flexible we are open. When our body is open, the mind follows and we become more open-minded. The Elizabethans believed “as above, so below,” and this is true, as well as the reverse: as below (the body), so above (the mind)!

Becoming more physically flexible means that we can move in many directions. I believe the body is healthiest when it is mimicking the movement of nature, which is always in a spiral. Think of how plants and flowers grow up through the earth, like little screws winding their way to fullness. They don’t just pop up in a linear way, all muscle and heft. No! The spiral implies a juicy, natural flow. As we use these spiral movements we have an easier time opening up the spaces between our bones and joints, allowing the ligaments and tendons to become more elastic, and freeing up areas where the muscles can relax so that the bones can then move more freely. Understanding this concept and employing it in our daily routines creates a mind that also…



Body Activation by Michele Kadison

Published author, Master Dance Teacher, and creator of Body Activation, the corrective fitness technique for modern life.