American Museum of Natural History offers free online courses

Michele Lins
7 min readAug 13, 2020


American Museum of Natural History

The American Museum of Natural History in New York is considered one of the largest museums in the world. Even though it receives thousands of visitors every year, there is a notable increase in interest in the Museum that occurred after the film “A night at the Museum” (2006), directed by Shawn Levy, who used the beautiful premises of the American Museum of History as a backdrop Natural. It is practically impossible to talk about this Museum without mentioning the fact that it has a vast collection of fossils, including rare dinosaur fossils.

Altogether, there are 42 rooms with thousands of fossils and artifacts, making it practically impossible to enjoy all the quality exhibitions in a single day. For this reason, some people choose to visit only the floors that expose the artifacts of interest, since the American Museum of Natural History exposes its artifacts as follows:

· First floor: with its entrance on 81st Street, in front of Central Park, the first floor of the Museum presents the beautiful Tyrannosaurus-Rex of more than 15 meters, faithfully transmitting what the visitor will find on the Museum’s premises. It is also on this floor that the famous blue whale hangs from the roof of the Museum, in addition to where the box office is located.

· Second floor: the second floor presents details about the lives of the peoples of South America, with special emphasis on Indians who inhabited Brazil before the discovery. The pavilion also features elements from the peoples of Asia and Africa, all with impressive realism and elements that help to tell the history and socio-cultural development of these peoples. Also on the second floor is the Hayden auditorium, in which a film showing the Big Bang theory is shown.

· Third floor: on the third floor there are still some lowland Indians and people from the Pacific with their characteristic clothes and elements that help to understand their lifestyle. But this pavilion’s main objective is to exhibit mammals from the African continent, primates, reptiles and amphibians. Except for animals such as lions, gorillas and other animals in Africa, this pavilion does not usually generate much attraction for people who are not students or professionals in the biological sciences, even though they present animals and interesting curiosities worthy of attention.

· Fourth floor: the fourth floor is, without a doubt, the most requested in the American Museum of Natural History, as it is in this pavilion that the fossil rooms are displayed. All fossils and dinosaur exhibits are on this floor, bringing together with fossil details and skeletons that tell the story of animals that inhabited the Earth millions of years ago.

American Museum of Natural History location

The American Museum of Natural History is located in Central Park West , New York, in the United States of America (USA). Both because it is located in Central Park and because it has a remarkable collection of fossils , the Museum annually receives thousands of visitors from different countries.

American Museum of Natural History courses online

The Coursera platform is one of the largest online course platforms, establishing collaborative partnerships with the most renowned Universities and educational institutions in the world. In these partnerships, the institution creates the course based on its teaching criteria, being responsible for issuing the certificate and authenticating the information provided in the course, while the Coursera platform hosts and disseminates the course, being responsible for the student’s entire teaching experience. . The American Museum of Natural History is one of the institutions producing courses for the Coursera platform, offering the following courses on that platform:

· Genetics and Society: A Course for Educators: a course that addresses current discoveries in the field of Genetics, discussing how the knowledge produced in this scientific area can affect our lives, as well as what we need to know to make good decisions regarding the implications of genetics on society. An excellent course for those curious about scientific research and people interested in genetics and biological sciences as a whole.

· The Future of our Planet Earth: exponential increase in population, climate change and ecological instability are some of the predictions for the future based on current evidence. In this way, the course presents the data that guide the safest projections for the future, seeking to ensure that measures can be adopted in the present in order to prevent the most disastrous events planned for the future.

· The Science of Stem Cells: Stem cell studies seem to revolutionize areas of research and clinical interventions in different medical specialties. Given this relevance, the course explains in detail how to study stem cells, what their characteristics are and why they are so valuable for biomedical sciences.

· Evolution: A Course for Educators: the course seeks both to discuss important concepts of evolution and to enable students to share these concepts in a didactic way. A course really for educators, but one that can delight people who are enthusiastic about evolution and biological sciences.

· Ecology: Ecosystem Dynamics and Conservation: complete course on ecology and all the complex interdependence of different ecosystems, ideal for those curious about the universe who enjoy knowing life in its different nuances.

· Terra Dinâmica: A Course for Educators: another course for educators that addresses the theme of evolution. However, in this course it can be said that the theme of evolution is treated in a broader way, since it discusses not only the evolution of species from a genetic point of view, but also how the characteristics of the Earth have been changing the environment and, way, favoring evolution.

All of these courses are offered 100% online, so that students can start classes as soon as they register.


American Museum of Natural History price of courses at Coursera

All courses mentioned above have free registration, so that the student can enroll and follow the classes as a listener at no cost. However, it is worth remembering that if you choose this option, perhaps some tasks, additional readings and, eventually, some class from a specific module, may not be available. Even so, it is possible to follow the course development and acquire the knowledge provided by the training in question.

Since the courses at the American Museum of Natural History have only the cost of issuing and validating their certificates, the price, more specifically, can vary between US $ 15.00 and US $ 35.00 normally. In some cases, the course may also undergo changes in pricing after being updated and receiving new modules, but since the Coursera platform aims to offer technical and professional courses in an accessible way, even if the course content is constantly updated, changes that compromise value are often rare.

Finally, it is worth mentioning that the Coursera platform offers financial assistance to students who meet the criteria stipulated by the platform, and that all courses offered by the American Museum of Natural History have this option. Thus, it is possible to take the complete course and receive the certificate with a significantly reduced amount, and you can even receive it without the need to subsidize the cost of issuing certificates, provided that it fits the criteria and the course has this possibility.

American Museum of Natural History Free Courses

Coursera seeks to be a platform for online courses considered open courses or free courses, the so-called MOCA or MOOC courses, in English Massive Open Online Courses. Thus, it is part of Coursera’s objectives to offer extremely qualified free courses, seeking to democratize access to technical knowledge and qualified professional training. As the American Museum of Natural History offers courses through the Coursera platform , its courses fall into the categories of free MOOC courses.

As mentioned, there is a cost for the issuance and validation of certificates issued by all institutions that host their courses on the Coursera platform , as well as the different courses produced by professionals linked to the American Museum of Natural History . But this cost is optional, so that, if it is of interest to the student, it is possible to attend classes and receive instructions from further reading at no cost.

American Museum of Natural History certified by Coursera

Certificates from the American Museum of Natural History Coursera are accepted in the job market and in the academic market, and can also be added to your Linkedin profile . Signed by the course instructors, bearing the name of the creative institution and the brand of the Coursera platform , your certificate can be used in the following ways:

· Use of digital certificates on social networks such as Linkedin

· Completion of complementary hours, normally required in undergraduate courses at higher education institutions

· Enhancement of the professional curriculum, bearing in mind that Coursera certificates are accepted in the job market and often prove the aptitude to perform various occupational functions

In view of so many advantages, the cost of issuing certificates ends up becoming only symbolic, and it is usually better to choose to issue the certificate than to give it up, even though it is perfectly possible not to request it. So, if you were interested in the courses at the American Museum of Natural History and want to take advantage of all the benefits of a course on the Coursera platform, just visit the website of the platform and enroll in the course of your choice.


